david baldwin nhs

Pulmonary disposition of antimicrobial agents: methodological considerations. Concentrations of ceftibuten in plasma and the respiratory tract following a single 400 mg oral dose. But I can't ignore the fact that a very large segment of . I was Honorary Secretary to the British Thoracic Society (BTS from 2009-13). He is Honorary Professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham. I was a council member on the National Association of Clinical Tutors and in this role was involved in several advisory roles involving the Department of Health. CROSBIE, PHILIP A J, GABE, RHIAN, SIMMONDS, IRENE, HANCOCK, NEIL, ALEXANDRIS, PANOS, KENNEDY, MARTYN, ROGERSON, SUZANNE, BALDWIN, DAVID, BOOTON, RICHARD, BRADLEY, CLAIRE, DARBY, MIKE, ECKERT, CLAIRE, FRANKS, KEVIN N, LINDOP, JASON, JANES, SAM M, MOLLER, HENRIK, MURRAY, RACHAEL L, NEAL, RICHARD D, QUAIFE, SAMANTHA L, UPPERTON, SARA, SHINKINS, BETHANY, THARMANATHAN, PUVAN and CALLISTER, MATTHEW E J. FREE CM, ELLIS M, BEGGS L, BEGGS D, MORGAN SA and BALDWIN DR. ZIGLAM HM, BALDWIN DR, DANIELS I, ANDREW JM and FINCH RG. SOO E, EDEY AJ, MAK SM, MOSER J, MOHAMMADI S, RODRIGUES T, DUFFY SW, FIELD JK, BALDWIN DR, NAIR A and DEVARAJ A. RUPAREL M, QUAIFE SL, GHIMIRE B, DICKSON JL, BHOWMIK A, NAVANI N, BALDWIN DR, DUFFY S, WALLER J and JANES SM. In the latter I have held a number of posts at regional and national level including advice to government. I have a number of key roles that fit with my overall aim to improve the care of lung cancer patients and respiratory patients in general. Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X2. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the investigation and management of pulmonary nodules. Methods for prevention and early detection of lung cancer after Hodgkin-lymphoma treatment, Impact on Quality of life from multi-modality treatment for lung cancer: A randomised controlled feasibility trial of surgery versus radiotherapy in addition to systemic anti-cancer therapy in potentially resectable Stage III-N2 NSCLC, Readiness of lung cancer screening services to deliver concurrent smoking cessation treatment: Guideline and implementation toolkit development, CRUK Tobacco Advisory Group - Project Award C63992/A27905, The integration and analysis of data using artificial intelligence to improve patient outcomes with thoracic diseases (DART), DOLCE: Determining the impact of Optellum's Lung Cancer Prediction (LCP) artificial, intelligence solution for lung nodule risk stratification on service utilisation, health, AI assisted Chest X-ray triage for improving diagnostic efficiency and early detection of Lung cancer, University of NottinghamMedical School 4 0 obj Phone: 020 7188 7188, Sydney Street The NHS AI Lab is led by NHSX and delivered in partnership with the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Earlier this month, we launched "Transforming Care," Niagara Health's 2023-28 strategic plan. www.nihr.ac.uk. Non-invasive ventilation for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. www.england.nhs.uk/aac, The National Institute for Health and Research (NIHR) provides the people, facilities, and technology that enable research to thrive. Lung cancer outcomes at a UK cancer unit between 1998-2001. Survival of patients with small cell lung cancer undergoing lung resection in England, 1998-2009. Health care analysis : HCA : journal of health philosophy and policy. SCHMIDT-HANSEN M, BALDWIN DR, HASLER E, ZAMORA J, ABRAIRA V and ROQU I FIGULS M. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. Guides, tools and activities Read about guides, tools and activities that can improve your mental health, including: tools for understanding your mental health exercises to help you cope with your mental health activities for improving low mood and stress Therapies you can do in your own time Self-help therapies London SE1 7EH He is leading the novel recruitment work package in the 4-in-the-Lung-Run project. <> Niagara Falls Site. Treatment decisions and survival for people with small-cell lung cancer. As College Tutor I developed an acute medicine course and since then NUH became of the first sites to offer the Federation of Colleges of Physicians and Anaesthetists accredited course "IMPACT" (Ill Medical Patient Acute Care and Treatment) RCP and RCS accredited. Scout Platoon Leader, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 159th Infantry, San Jose, California. Concentrations of cefpodoxime in serum and bronchial mucosal biopsies. Rifampicin concentrations in bronchial mucosa, epithelial lining fluid, alveolar macrophages and serum following a single 600 mg oral dose in patients undergoing fibre-optic bronchoscopy. The University of Nottingham is a research-intensive university with a proud heritage. BALDWIN DR, LAMBERT L, PANTIN CF, PROWSE K and COLE RB. Barriers to uptake among high-risk individuals declining participation in lung cancer screening: a mixed methods analysis of the UK Lung Cancer Screening (UKLS) trial. Effect of addition of exercise to chest physiotherapy on sputum expectoration and lung function in adults with cystic fibrosis. He is Advisor to the UK National Screening Committee, DHSC. FIELD JK, BALDWIN DR, DEVARAJ A and OUDKERK M. RICH A, BALDWIN D, ALFAGEME I, BECKETT P, BERGHMANS T, BRINCAT S, BURGHUBER O, CORLATEANU A, CUFER T, DAMHUIS R, DANILA E, DOMAGALA-KULAWIK J, ELIA S, GAGA M, GOKSEL T, GRIGORIU B, HILLERDAL G, HUBER RM, JAKOBSEN E, JONSSON S, JOVANOVIC D, KAVCOVA E, KONSOULOVA A, LAISAAR T, MAKITARO R, MEHIC B, MILROY R, MOLDVAY J, MORGAN R, NANUSHI M, PAESMANS M, PUTORA PM, SAMARZIJA M, SCHERPEREEL A, SCHLESSER M, SCULIER JP, SKRICKOVA J, SOTTO-MAYOR R, STRAND TE, VAN SCHIL P and BLUM TG. At any one time the amounts to 1 to 3 foundation doctors, 2 core medical training and one registrar. VDOMDHTMLe>Document Moved. The NHS serves 434,000 residents across 12 municipalities that make up the Region of Niagara. The findings on variation led directly to the development of the National Optimal Lung Cancer Pathway (NOLCP). Lung cancer risk in new pulmonary nodules: implications for CT screening and nodule management. BALDWIN, D. R., DUFFY, S. W., WALD, N. J., PAGE, R., HANSELL, D. M. and FIELD, J. K.. JALLOW, M., BLACK, G., VAN OS, S., BALDWIN, D. R., BRAIN, K. E., DONNELLY, M., JANES, S. M., KURTIDU, C., MCCUTCHAN, G., ROBB, K. A., RUPAREL, M. and QUAIFE, S. L.. ARAGHI, M., FIDLER-BENAOUDIA, M., ARNOLD, M., RUTHERFORD, M., BARDOT, A., FERLAY, J., BUCHER, O., DE, P., ENGHOLM, G., GAVIN, A., KOZIE, S., LITTLE, A., MOLLER, B., ST JACQUES, N., TERVONEN, H., WALSH, P., WOODS, R., O'CONNELL, D. L., BALDWIN, D., ELWOOD, M., SIESLING, S., BRAY, F., SOERJOMATARAM, I., ICBP SURVMARK- LOCAL LEADS, ICBP SURVMARK- ACADEMIC REFERENCE GROUP, ICBP CLINICAL COMMITTEE-LUNG, ICBP SURVMARK-2 ACADEMIC REFERENCE GROUPICBP SURVMARK-2 ACADEMIC REFERENCE GROUP and ICBP CLINICAL COMMITTEE - LUNGICBP CLINICAL COMMITTEE - LUNG. Earl absorbed British . Lung cancer in England: Information from the National Lung Cancer Audit (LUCADA). Improving outcomes in lung cancer patients. Patients' attitudes to risk in lung cancer surgery: A qualitative study. CT screening for lung cancer: countdown to implementation. Physician Assessment of Pretest Probability of Malignancy and Adherence to Guidelines for Pulmonary Nodule Evaluation. The association between smoking quantity and lung cancer in men and women. Resources for implementation are His primary research interests are in CT screening and lung cancer epidemiology. This was the first of the NHSE/I timed national pathway and led to simitar pathways for other tumour sites. Executive Vice-President, Strategy and Communications, Executive Vice-President, Patient Experience and Integrated Care, Executive Vice-President, Digital Transformation; Chief Information Officer, Executive Vice-President, Clinical Operations, Executive Vice-President, Human Resources, Executive Vice-President, Medical; Chief of Staff, Executive Vice-President, Finance, Redevelopment and Facilities; Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice-President, Practice, Clinical Support; Chief Nursing Executive. I am now involved with a number of important research projects that link with some of my external, national duties. He has obtained research grants from a variety of charities and NIHR to a total value of over 35M as applicant and co-applicant. David Baldwin is an actor, known for Mr. Nice Guy (1997), Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001) and Home and Away (1988). The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Honorary Professor of Medicine and Consultant Physician. He has published over 240 papers, including three influential guidelines. I completed 11 years of post-graduate training and became accredited in general medicine and respiratory medicine in 1996. endobj I continue to pursue research into optimization including leading research on artificial intelligence and big data. The continuum of screening and early detection, awareness and faster diagnosis of lung cancer. The group advised NHS England on all matters relating to lung cancer. David Baldwin re-joined the department of children's dentistry in February 2023. I have previously mentored student and have promoted respiratory medicine at several student careers events. Sue Wilson 1 , Kirstie Anderson 2 , David Baldwin 3 , Derk-Jan Dijk 4 , Audrey Espie 5 , Colin Espie 6 , Paul Gringras 7 , Andrew . Bronchoalveolar distribution of cefuroxime axetil and in-vitro efficacy of observed concentrations against respiratory pathogens. BALATA, H., RUPAREL, M., O'DOWD, E., LEDSON, M., FIELD, J. K., DUFFY, S. W., QUAIFE, S. L., SHARMAN, A., JANES, S., BALDWIN, D., BOOTON, R. and CROSBIE, P. A. J.. BALDWIN, D. R., BRAIN, K. and QUAIFE, S.. BALDWIN, D. R., CALLISTER, M. E., CROSBIE, P. A., O'DOWD, E. L., RINTOUL, R. C., ROBBINS, H. A. and STEELE, R. J. xM107`1I Claim this business. B., MAQSOOD, U., ELSHAFI, M., JAFRI, S., LERNER, A. D., WOOLHOUSE, I., MUNAVVAR, M., EVISON, M., BOOTON, R., BALDWIN, D. R., JANES, S. M., KERR, K. M., BIANCO, A., YARMUS, L. and NAVANI, N.. RUPAREL, M., QUAIFE, S. L., DICKSON, J. L., HORST, C., TISI, S., HALL, H., TAYLOR, M., AHMED, A., SHAW, P., BURKE, S., SOO, M. J., NAIR, A., DEVARAJ, A., SENNETT, K., DUFFY, S. W., NAVANI, N., BHOWMIK, A., BALDWIN, D. R. and JANES, S. M.. RUPAREL, M., QUAIFE, S. L., DICKSON, J. L., HORST, C., TISI, S., HALL, H., TAYLOR, M. N., AHMED, A., SHAW, P. J., BURKE, S., SOO, M. J., NAIR, A., DEVARAJ, A., SENNETT, K., HURST, J. R., DUFFY, S. W., NAVANI, N., BHOWMIK, A., BALDWIN, D. R. and JANES, S. M.. VERONESI, G., BALDWIN, D. R., HENSCHKE, C. I., GHISLANDI, S., IAVICOLI, S., OUDKERK, M., DE KONING, H. J., SHEMESH, J., FIELD, J. K., ZULUETA, J. J., HORGAN, D., FIESTAS NAVARRETE, L., INFANTE, M. V., NOVELLIS, P., MURRAY, R. L., PELED, N., RAMPINELLI, C., ROCCO, G., RZYMAN, W., SCAGLIOTTI, G. V., TAMMEMAGI, M. C., BERTOLACCINI, L., TRIPHURIDET, N., YIP, R., ROSSI, A., SENAN, S., FERRANTE, G., BRAIN, K., VAN DER AALST, C., BONOMO, L., CONSONNI, D., VAN MEERBEECK, J. P., MAISONNEUVE, P., NOVELLO, S., DEVARAJ, A., SAGHIR, Z. and PELOSI, G.. OKE JL, PICKUP LC, DECLERCK J, CALLISTER ME, BALDWIN D, GUSTAFSON J, PESCHL H, ATHER S, TSAKOK M, EXELL A and GLEESON F. RUPAREL M, QUAIFE S, BALDWIN D, WALLER J and JANES S. RUPAREL M, QUAIFE SL, DICKSON JL, HORST C, BURKE S, TAYLOR M, AHMED A, SHAW P, SOO MJ, NAIR A, DEVARAJ A, O'DOWD EL, BHOWMIK A, NAVANI N, SENNETT K, DUFFY SW, BALDWIN DR, SOFAT R, PATEL RS, HINGORANI A and JANES SM. How do patient and hospital features influence outcomes in small-cell lung cancer in England? The NHSX award will help us accelerate bringing the AI-driven early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer to all NHS patients as soon as possible.. 3 0 obj The lung cancer predication AI software, Virtual Nodule Clinic (VNC), which has been developed by Optellum (Oxford, UK), will examine lung nodules to determine whether they are benign or malignant. Changes in hospital management of acute severe asthma by thoracic and general physicians in Birmingham and Manchester during 1978 and 1985. BALDWIN DR, WHITE B, SCHMIDT-HANSEN M, CHAMPION AR, MELDER AM and GUIDELINE DEVELOPMENT GROUP. This involved the co-supervision of one DM and 4 PhD Fellows. Theophylline analysis at the chest clinic--comparison of a portable versus conventional system. Comparative bronchoalveolar concentrations of ciprofloxacin and lomefloxacin following oral administration. Since 2020 I have been closely involved in the UK National Screening Committee's evaluation that concluded with a positive recommendation for implementation of lung cancer screening in the 4 UK countries in October 2022. Dr. Shira Brown joined the Todays Leaders for Tomorrows Future podcast to share her perspectives on health leadership as a source and function of renewal when making a difference in someone's life. www.optellum.com, NHSX is a joint unit of teams from the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England and Improvement, driving forward the digital transformation of health and social care. I now direct 1 to 2 courses per year and run 1 to 2 instructor training courses per year. A systematic review. Recent advances in the management of lung cancer. Interpretation of occupational peak flow records: level of agreement between expert clinicians and Oasys-2. GROVES, SAMANTHA, MCCUTCHAN, GRACE, QUAIFE, SAMANTHA L., MURRAY, RACHAEL L., OSTROFF, JAMIE S., BRAIN, KATE, CROSBIE, PHILIP A. J., YORKE, JANELLE, BALDWIN, DAVID, FIELD, JOHN K. and MCWILLIAMS, LORNA, Attitudes towards the integration of smoking cessation into lung cancer screening in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study of individuals eligible to attend. The Trust is at the forefront of many research programmes and new surgical procedures. The Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock, announced this latest award last week, which will see 38 projects awarded a share of 36million to test state of the art AI technology. Map & Directions. He chairs NHS England's Clinical Expert Group for Lung Cancer as well as the National Cancer Research Institute's Screening Prevention and Early Diagnosis Group. I lectured at the RCP and at several hospitals on the development of a teaching programme for SHOs. I have experience in all areas of respiratory medicine and have a special interest in lung cancer, pleural disease, and interventional bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy. Silicosis presenting as bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. The British Thoracic Society guidelines on the investigation and management of pulmonary nodules. PET-CT for assessing mediastinal lymph node involvement in patients with suspected resectable non-small cell lung cancer. Risk of venous thromboembolism in people with lung cancer: a cohort study using linked UK healthcare data. Post-treatment survival difference between lobectomy and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in stage I non-small cell lung cancer in England: Thorax, New fissure-attached nodules in lung cancer screening: more practical implications from the NELSON study? New Niagara Health Strategic Plan lays out roadmap to 2028. I have been actively involved in teaching and training at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Lung cancer in symptomatic patients presenting in primary care: a systematic review of risk prediction tools. ANDREWS JM, WISE R, BALDWIN DR and HONEYBOURNE D. International journal of antimicrobial agents. More. Dr Baldwin is a Consultant Respiratory Physician who sub-specialises in lung cancer and mesothelioma and interventional procedures at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust in the UK. Author's response: What characteristics of primary care and patients are associated with early death in patients with lung cancer in the UK? I also co-supervise 3 PhD students and was co-supervisor to three students one who obtained a DM from the University of Nottingham and two who obtained PhDs. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and risk of lung cancer: the importance of smoking and timing of diagnosis. London SE1 9RT He is Clinical Advisor to the National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression, and Chair of the Psychopharmacology Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and is a Past President of Depression Alliance and current Medical Patron of Anxiety UK. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. (905) 732-6111. Optellum (Oxford, UK) is a commercial-stage lung health company providing Artificial Intelligence decision support software that assists physicians in early diagnosis and optimal treatment for their patients. LUECHTENBORG, MARGREET, RIAZ, SHARMA P., LIM, ERIC, PAGE, RICHARD, BALDWIN, DAVID R., JAKOBSEN, ERIK, VEDSTED, PETER, LIND, MIKE, PEAKE, MICHAEL D., MELLEMGAARD, ANDERS, SPICER, JAMES, LANG-LAZDUNSKI, LOIC and MOLLER, HENRIK. David Baldwin was an engineer and inventor who patented various machines from the 1830s to 1870s. BALDWIN DR, BATES AJ, EVANS AH, BRADBURY SP and PANTIN CF. Microlavage: a technique for determining the volume of epithelial lining fluid. He chairs NHS Englands Clinical Expert Group for Lung Cancer as well as the National Cancer Research Institutes Screening Prevention and Early Diagnosis Group. Professor of Psychiatry & Head of Mental Health Group, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton. Local implementation pilots of 'Lung Health Checks'. I support the work of an NHS Improvement Foundation Pilot (that was discussed at meetings I attended at the DH at an early stage) in Nottingham that is training volunteers to teach others about awareness of early symptoms of lung, breast and bowel cancer. Earlier this month, we launched Transforming Care, Niagara Healths 2023-28 strategic plan. AWWAD A, TIWARI S, SOVANI V, BALDWIN DR and KUMARAN M. ALI N, LIFFORD KJ, CARTER B, MCRONALD F, YADEGARFAR G, BALDWIN DR, WELLER D, HANSELL DM, DUFFY SW, FIELD JK and BRAIN K. CALLISTER ME, BALDWIN DR, AKRAM AR, BARNARD S, CANE P, DRAFFAN J, FRANKS K, GLEESON F, GRAHAM R, MALHOTRA P, PROKOP M, RODGER K, SUBESINGHE M, WALLER D, WOOLHOUSE I, and . Optellum was founded so that every lung disease patient is diagnosed and treated at the earliest possible stage, and cured. This document may be found here. In the United Kingdom (UK) management should follow British Thoracic Society (BTS). endstream I became Director of Postgraduate Medical Education in 2003 and continued until 2009. Nottingham, NG7 2UH, Contacts: Please see our 'contact us' page for further details. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs, Respiratory Medicine Unit, David Evans Centre. LIM WS, MACFARLANE JT, DEEGAN PC, MANHIRE A, HOLMES WF and BALDWIN DR. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.). The 2015 British Thoracic Society guidelines on the investigation and management of pulmonary nodules. He has been the lead surgeon for the Bristol Pituitary Service for the last 10 years and has undertaken over 500 transphenoidal operations. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. During this time and after, I hosted the PACES examination at NUH. A., KAVANAGH, T., KERR, K. M., LEDSON, M., LIFFORD, K. J., MCRONALD, F. E., NAIR, A., PAGE, R. D., PARMAR, M. K. B., RASSL, D. M., RINTOUL, R. C., SCREATON, N. J., WALD, N. J., WELLER, D., WHYNES, D. K., WILLIAMSON, P. R., YADEGARFAR, G., GABE, R. and DUFFY, S. W.. JALLOW, M., BONFIELD, S., KURTIDU, C., BALDWIN, D. R., BLACK, G., BRAIN, K. E., DONNELLY, M., JANES, S. M., MCCUTCHAN, G., ROBB, K. A., RUPAREL, M., VAN OS, S. and QUAIFE, S. L.. JONES, G. S., KHAKWANI, A., PASCOE, A., FOWERAKER, K., MCKEEVER, T. M., HUBBARD, R. B. and BALDWIN, D. R.. MORGAN, H., ELLIS, L., O'DOWD, E. L., MURRAY, R. L., HUBBARD, R. and BALDWIN, D. R.. ROBBINS, H. A., ALCALA, K., SWERDLOW, A. J., SCHOEMAKER, M. J., WAREHAM, N., TRAVIS, R. C., CROSBIE, P. A. J., CALLISTER, M., BALDWIN, D. R., LANDY, R. and JOHANSSON, M.. SANDS, J., TAMMEMAGI, M. C., COURAUD, S., BALDWIN, D. R., BORONDY-KITTS, A., YANKELEVITZ, D., LEWIS, J., GRANNIS, F., KAUCZOR, H. U., VON STACKELBERG, O., SEQUIST, L., PASTORINO, U. and MCKEE, B.. TAYLOR, S., YORKE, J., TSIM, S., NAVANI, N., BALDWIN, D., WOOLHOUSE, I., EDWARDS, J., GRUNDY, S., ROBSON, J., RHODES, S., GOMES, F., BLACKHALL, F., FAIVRE-FINN, C. and EVISON, M.. JONES GS, ELIMIAN K, BALDWIN DR, HUBBARD RB and MCKEEVER TM. Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust is one of the biggest and busiest acute hospitals in England, employing more than 16,500 staff. Quantitative morphology and water distribution of bronchial biopsy samples. SNEE MP, MCPARLAND L, COLLINSON F, LOWE CM, STRIHA A, BALDWIN DR, NAIDU B, SEBAG-MONTEFIORE D, GREGORY WM, BESTALL J, HEWISON J, HINSLEY S and FRANKS KN. It provides care to over 2.5million residents of Nottingham and its surrounding communities and specialist services to a further 3-4million people from neighbouring counties. David Baldwin, a Los Angeles native, is a creative strategist with a profound loyalty to his community and an exceptional understanding of law. MCRONALD FE, YADEGARFAR G, BALDWIN DR, DEVARAJ A, BRAIN KE, EISEN T, HOLEMANS JA, LEDSON M, SCREATON NJ, RINTOUL RC, HANDS CJ, LIFFORD K, WHYNES DK, KERR KM, PAGE R, PARMAR M, WALD N, WELLER D, WILLIAMSON PR, MYLES J, HANSELL DM, DUFFY SW and FIELD JK. Patients presenting in primary care and patients are associated with early death in patients lung. Early diagnosis Group and nodule management the 2015 British Thoracic Society guidelines on the investigation management., California death in patients with small cell lung cancer chest physiotherapy on sputum expectoration lung... Dr and HONEYBOURNE D. 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