kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

The strength modifier would still be applied to the damage rolled, however. For example, your character starts the game as a level one soldier. Guardians are not as strong in the Force as the other Jedi classes, but are much more powerful when it comes to wielding a lightsaber, and are more physically resilient as well. With the Jedi Order in ruin, the Republic's only hope is a lone Jedi struggling to reconnect with the Force. Once you're done fiddling around, head to the sewers. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide, Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. The families slaughter each other, and you take one huge step towards the Dark side. Search Jorak's body for items, then grab Tulak Hord's mask from his locked sarcophagus (DC 28). but thats what the file says. Once you find the suit, head to the Lower City elevator to the west of the apartments, equip the armor, and head down below. You can find the container in the cargo hold of your ship, where all the supplies are; if you bring the spice back to Lurze, he'll pay you 1,000 credits, and offer you a courier mission to Motta the Hutt, the swoop track kingpin on Tatooine. If you find yourself not having fun, by all means, knock that difficulty down a bit. As might be expected, he's a toughie, but is not unmanageable, provided you practice simple divide-and-conquer techniques. 429. Any one of these decisions will result in a small shift in alignment, towards either the Light side or Dark side of the Force; this alignment will affect such things as the cost of your Force powers, what equipment you can use, and, most importantly, how the ending of the game plays itself out. Seems there has been an update since the making of this post. Once the generator makes your item in laboriously slow fashion (keep in mind that the game doesn't pause while you're on the computer, and that Sith are no doubt rushing towards you, so keep things speedy), pop over to the bin and pick up your swank new super robes. Take the grenades and head south from the corridor branch. Although BioWare has done an admirable job in streamlining the d20 combat system for a console, and although you can always pause at any time you wish, combat can still become a bit hairy and complex with multiple combatants. Hell tell you to ask Jana Lorso in the Cerka Offices. You won't have any choice but to accept Chuundar's quest. In case youre wondering whether or not this optional game is worth it, the loot includes a nextor crystal, a Zabrak blaster pistol, an Eriadu strength amplifier, and Naga Sadows poison blade, which deals 4-15 damage as a one-handed melee weapon, with a good chance of poisoning your target on a successful hit. At its second rank, against multiple enemies, death field has a much better chance of getting you back a high amount of vitality, since it gives you life equal to the highest amount of damage that's dealt. When you're done screwing around, talk to Komad at the cave's entrance. Well get to these in the Cantina section below. Proceed to Janice in the North Upper City to get the droid; she'll want 2,000 credits for it, but you can persuade her down to 1,500 if you have enough points in that skill. You can lie every time you are given that option to take a Dark side hit; fortunately, the Council is fairly gullible, and understandably so: it'd be a pretty short game for Dark side players if you got washed out before you even became a Jedi. Youll find her dancing in the Cantina and can win her back through a game of Pazaak. (0/1), Transfer from injector to container. If anyone in your party uses blaster rifles, you should max out Zaalbar's Bowcaster; if you pump it full of upgrades, you can transform it into a +3 attack bonus beast that deals out 3-12 damage, with a critical range of 17-20. 9) Exit to Dock Module Before visiting the Docks make sure you check out the Cantina and then go back to the residential area so you can reach the Residential 082 West. So take a dive on the first run, and save your best effort for the second heat. We take control of B-4D4 and recover the corruption files from the Czerka Mainframe. For a reasonable person without prejudice, a future of industrial development and the exploitation of an already ruined planet is not a bad thing at all. When playing as B-4D4, the player can blackmail Opo Chano and receive 20 credits. Not a bad haul at all. Pause early; pause often. He'll have two Selkath groupies who attack with blasters, but ignore them for the moment. The Jedi sentinel's unique feat is probably the most useful of the three: as a sentinel increases in level, he or she will become increasingly resistant to mind-affecting attacks, such as attacks that cause fear, or stun your character. Roland won't reveal why they've been hiring mercenaries until after you infiltrate the Sith base for him; once that's done, he'll fill you in on the details. Should you decide to take him up on the offer, a 'mysterious box' will be placed in the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. Bastila, as you might've seen during your little contretemps in the Rakatan Temple, is a tough cookie when three of your characters are taking her on; one-on-one she can be fairly overpowering, especially if you let her use her Force powers with impunity. The tracks look a lot different at high speed, though, so run them as fast as you can for a dozen repetitions or so, and you'll be well on your way to mastering the course. If your PC is a man, then Bastila will become your love interest, if you treat her like a lady. Helping them will gain you prestige, as you'll be able to claim to Uthar that you have solved the problem, which is technically true. By bribing a Czerka employee named Corrun Falt, promising him to search the mainframe for compromising evidence against Lorso, she learned that Opo Chano held droid repair credentials on B-4D4. Now you can proceed to the third and final quest; Zhar wants you to find the source of a 'taint' that has been infecting a meditation grove near the Jedi Academy. He and his cronies can pose a tough challenge for an under-leveled team of adventurers; if you find yourself getting overwhelmed, you may want to skip these guys for now and come back when you have a bit more vitality under your belt. After you unpause, move your crew away from the middle of their deadly circle; you'll be hit by cryoban grenades if you stick around. A single target is overcome with fear (stunned) for six seconds. My loan is owed to Goto, the Exchange boss on Nar Shaddaa. Surik got the credentials, for which Opo graciously gave. If you have T3-M4 and around 15 computer spikes, you should be able to access the command functions. Don't fool with the terminal just yet, but remember where it is if you run into any trouble. This is a valuable object, so be sure you pick it up. These generally allow you to perform an attack that is enhanced in some way, although they will also carry a temporary penalty. As usual, if they're too tough for you, and you're adamant about achieving a Light side result, simply come back after you've achieved a few more levels and try again. That saving throw, however, is checked against a DC that consists of the attacker's experience level plus the attacker's strength modifier, so at low levels, you won't stun an opponent more than 1 time out of three at best. Note that if you're good at hacking, then you might want to travel to the north computer room in the northwestern corner of the base. By the bar youll find Luxa, the second in command for the Exchange, but she wont talk to you until youve completed a quest from either the Ithorians or Czerka. That bonus is also applied to your defense, making you more agile in battle and thus less likely to be shot or hit with an enemy weapon. Wookiees can not be equipped with any kind of clothing. Interested in getting to the surface on the planet Telos, she agreed to help Chodo Habat and his Ithorians against Czerka, their competitors for the Telosian restoration project, in exchange for a shuttle off Citadel Station. You can freely give it to her, and then attempt to broker a peace between the ice princesses, or just let her know that you're keeping it, with the appropriate shifts in Force alignment. All enemies within ten meters of target are overcome with fear (stunned) for twelve seconds. For the Light Side path youll want to take up the quest with the Ithorians, but first you need to get your stuff back. You'll need to find some bait before the monster will reveal itself to you. When you see the Tuskans guarding the latter exit, engage them and kill them all; there'll be 10 or so in total, so be sure to heal up first. If you want very specific advice, a 16/16 split between strength and dexterity at character creation makes Taris quite survivable for most characters, and when you become a Jedi, you'll be able to cast off your armor for the Jedi robes without any qualms, especially if you devote the first two attribute additions to dexterity. If you note that you're almost dead and/or almost out of Force points, do the smart thing and start running away. If not, you'll need to schlep all the way back to town and get some from the merchant in the spaceport. The third ranks of weapon proficiencies, called weapon specializations, are a unique case, since they are only available to characters of the soldier class. While you do lose out on lightsaber specialization, which hurts, you'll gain more Force points, and will be able to increase your skills a bit faster than you were previously. 1) Apartment C1 Your house arrest takes place in Apartment C1. If you did bring it, just walk up to one of the bantha on the high plains to start it walking towards the cave. What's more, it's one thing to put your fencing skills to the test; it's another thing entirely to become proficient at using a lightsaber to defend yourself against the nigh-endless number of overeager fools with blaster rifles looking to make their name by taking out a Jedi. From the entrance, head to the southwest. Luckily, mine disabling falls under the 'take 20' rule: if you have a theoretically unlimited amount of time to perform an action, you'll be able to assume that your roll on the DC check is always a 20, the best possible result. If all goes well, the teammates of your runner character will follow closely, ignoring the enemies, and your party can stand by the sealed door and fight off the enemies together. After you finish off Calo Nord, a Twi'lek will eventually approach you on one of the planets (though this may not occur for quite a long time afterwards). Make sure everyone in your party teams up on one rancor until it falls, then another, and so on. Game. Unfortunately, the game doesn't have a weapon switch button, so you have to go into the menu screen and replace your weapons manually, if you decide to do so. In a game like Pazaak, being forced to take the first action is a severe disadvantage; if you stay on 19, for instance, your opponent will know exactly what he has to do to win or tie, and will dip into his reservoir of cards only when appropriate. You'll automatically be whisked away to the planet that you haven't recovered the Star Map from. The balancing of dexterity and strength will be critical for lightsaber-intensive characters. To compensate for the scoundrel's discomfort when wearing medium or heavy armor, scoundrel's luck simply adds a bonus to defense that is always active, even when the character is wearing no armor. Give it to Matrik for a decent experience boost and some Light side points, and then you can get the bounty from Zax. Since these fights will usually start with your party surrounded by a few Mandalorians, you will probably want to use Force powers to immobilize or push away some of them; they'll be easier to kill if you can concentrate on them one at a time. Head back out to the north beach and talk to warleader Garn, who's standing by the water; he'll speak to you of invisible warriors who have killed his men, and you'll pick up the Invisible Mandalorians side quest. Once you head into West Ahto, Elora will ask Jolee to help her; her husband, an old friend of Jolee's, has been arrested for murder. The droids across the way will all suddenly activate and start firing upon you; destroy droid will shut them down with a minimum of fuss, as will fire from an ion gun. So what happens to B-4D4 after you use him to break into the mainframe? As mentioned in his character bio, you will have the opportunity to Repair him and restore him to his full functioning, but, like Jolee, he has no real side-quest to speak of. After they die, search the body of Shaela, the last of the Jedi terentatek hunters, to pick up her journal and the best lightsaber crystal in the game. The exception to this rule is for NPC party members; if you're the kind of player who tends to micromanage your PC and lets the other party members act on their own, you may want to give them more of these passive skills instead of loading them up on active combat feats that require you to manually switch over to the character and queue up an action. If you just want to chop stuff up with a lightsaber, this won't make a large difference in your playing style, but if you plan to become a Jedi consular, you can expect to be spoilt for choice when choosing your Force powers if you do manage to save a few levels before Dantooine. Return to the Upper City, then take the elevator downstairs to meet Canderous in the Lower City Cantina. Hit the flow control panel outside the left room. Hes the guy who won the girl from Harra. Proceed throughout the Shadowlands, taking down katarns as you come across them. Put them on your main character right away, since they're obviously the most powerful robes you're going to find anywhere in the game (the +5 to Wisdom, at least, will increase your saves against all of the Dark Jedi's Force powers), then hit speed on all of your characters. If you need something (or someone) blasted to bits, Carth is probably your man; his ability to dual-wield blaster pistols will make him a handy ally during the earliest portions of the game. Surik paid his loan, and Opo Chano was grateful, promising to repay her. Rounding the bend, you'll run across Jolee Bindo, soon to become the newest member of your party. If you wind up with a huge number of credits, you might want to pick up thermal detonators, life support packs, and as many deadly mines as you can carry, presuming your PC has a decent demolitions score. 1) Exit to Residential 082 East This is where you enter this section. Residential 082 West. Your. How you deal with him affects your Force alignment, in much the same manner as your dealings with Nico on Tatooine. What would a BioWare RPG be without lockpicking? This quest doesn't involve Force attunement adjustments; screwing it up will only convince Bolook of your incompetence. You can also demand more of the reward and kill Komad for a Dark side shift, but he still only carries one additional pearl, in addition to a couple of grenades. Go back outside and enter right room #1. For once, you might want to dispose of the weaker enemy first and kill Yuthara before Uthar, if only to prevent your energy shield from falling as quickly, and since Uthar will abuse his death field attack to stay alive much longer than he should be able to. Of course, if you intend to be sneaky, you might as well be a scoundrel from the beginning, so think for a bit before you start the game and choose a class that best suits your style of play. Once you complete your Jedi training, you'll be able to find the body of Casus Sandral on the eastern side of the Matale grounds. The launcher picture should have changed, and mention "version 1.8" in the upper right corner. Since the computer will always do its damndest to match or beat your score, you'll know that your initial score will have to be at or near 20 in order to win; unless your opponent busts by a huge margin, he'll almost always find a way to hit a 19 or 20 during the first few games, especially if he knows that you're sitting on an 18. He'll whisper his dying words to Carth. When you finish the montage, you'll be facing Zhar Lestin, the Jedi Master who has been instructed to test you to ensure your fidelity to the Force. When you unpause the game, try to run back a ways towards the elevator to disperse the crowd. As with all Dark Jedi duels, it's a good idea to have something that protects you from mind-affecting attacks, since Bastila may try to use insanity on you. If you're a Light Jedi, you should attempt to talk Zaalbar into attempting to compromise between Chuundar and Freyyr. The rest of your party members will have differing reactions to your mood swing; Mission, however, is the only one with real objections. Equip her with some light armor, if you have any. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords - game update v.1.0b US - Download Game update (patch) to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords , a (n) rpg game, v.1.0b US, added on Friday, April 15, 2005. file type Game update file size 12.2 MB downloads 7882 (last 7 days) 8 last update Friday, April 15, 2005 Your player-character is going to be on the brink of death, most likely, so run away from Jorak quickly before he cuts you down. The daughter, Rahasia, will give you a key to the compound's other door and ask you to rescue Shen before her father decides to harm Shen. This is one time you don't want to be all altruistic and virtuous; we're not talking credits here. 2 to the 7th power is 128.). To put it bluntly, being good in KOTOR, or, at least, being a good Jedi, is hard. There are three different kinds of saving throws: throws for will correspond to a character's ability to resist mental intrusion and mind-affecting attacks; throws for fortitude represent a character's natural resistance to poison and physical harm; and throws for reflex test a character's ability to avoid the brunt of explosive damage by diving out of the way. You can leave if you want, but if you wish to acquire more info on the missing Selkath, you'll need to proceed further into the base. If you come on behalf of Czerka (Dark Side) then shell have two more quests for you before letting you into the Exchange. This will at least set you up with a meeting with the Exchange boss, Slusk. Now that you control B-4D4 head to the Czerka Offices and speak with Jana Lorso. Force costs remain constant when you upgrade a power, so previous iterations of a power will be erased from your combat menu once you do achieve a new rank. If you can keep a surfeit of parts and spikes, you will rarely be in dire need of either skill. Head east to find a group of Dark Jedi that need killing, then walk into the flow control room. He's got one of those, too. Begin searching the area. Anyway, the first battle pits you against three fighters from the Black Vulkars Gang. After killing one or both of these targets, return to Hulas (alone), to get three more targets to take down. The fight is worth it, though; one of the nearby locked footlockers contains 2,000 credits, plasma grenades, and other items. Otherwise, you may want to bring along Mission or T3-M4, if only to get around some locked doors. If one of your characters dies, then switch over to the other characters near the elevator; eventually, the game will warp the dead character's body to where your active character is, so wait for this to occur, and then head up to the next level. Light side characters, in short, will need to: And so on and so forth. Below are the various players in the game, as well as any additional information I know about them. Bastila isn't very tough in actual combat, luckily, so activate speed and engage her point-blank. The reward for this mission is a Genoharadan Poison Blade. Luckily, his daughter intercepts you before you are forced out the door, and informs you that yes, indeed, Nurik has kidnapped Shen, as a result of his belief that Nurik kidnapped his own son, Casus. Unsure about intro movies and etc. In order to damage an opponent in combat, you must first successfully hit them, and the attack number of your characters determines their chances to do so. You can also talk to Iziz by the gates to finish off the Fair Trade quest, assuming you rescued the Jawas. Each will ask you to choose three options from a group of six, based on which types of worlds are more likely to bring death (Barren, Volcanic, and Desert) or life (Arboreal, Oceanic, and Grassland). Before you even get to take a breath of fresh air, Bastila will want you to come with her and visit the Jedi Council. On the other hand, you will be able to make do without security if the locked item is susceptible to bashing; to see if this is possible, use the d-pad to cycle up or down from the 'Open' command on your action menu. Carth's side-quest involves his long-lost son, who disappeared after his home planet was destroyed by the Sith fleet. As a note, characters who advance through Taris as a soldier, and who want to proceed through the game as a combat-oriented character, may want to consider the sentinel as an alternative to the guardian class. . Zaalbar performs this function admirably in the first sections of the game; Juhani or your PC will assume the role afterwards. ------------------------------ As soon as T3 is left alone in the droid repair office, you'll begin a little mathematical minigame, where you're able to disable the droid that's attempting to wipe your memory. If you're a soldier, you should start dancing now; you'll finally have someone with some decent security. He'll appear on any planet that your party heads to, which is why he's being mentioned in this section, instead of during the regular walkthrough. You can either have your main character walk in via solo mode, creeping carefully along the side of the pool, and retrieve the items (you'll still probably set off at least one of the mines, so have an antidote ready), or repair the nearby droid and have it self-destruct in the pool, which will eliminate the mines as well. When we say 'tank', we don't literally mean that you get to play around with an M-1 Abrams or anything like that, of course. Kudos on Tatooine will usually not give you a reward, since beating him ten times in a row activates a bug in the game. The Yojimbo option: you encourage the families to fight each other, and then goad them on by lying about Casus' death. After the fight, be sure to search Brejik's body before talking to Bastila; he's got a belt and an armband which are perfect for melee-weapon characters, as well as a set of gloves that give +1 to Dexterity. Unfortunately, only Sith Academy members are allowed access to the excavations. If you do get the Rakghoul Serum, you can enter the quarantine cage and heal two of the infected villagers, gaining a few Light side points, or just kill them. If a weapon would normally perform a critical hit on a roll of 20, for instance, a critical strike will increase that range to 19-20. If you're going for Dark side points, double cross Freyyr and get Zaalbar to side with Chuundar. var today = new Date(); Note that this quest must be completed before you finish the Sandral-Matale Feud side quest. If you come on behalf of the Ithorians (Light Side) then youll be able to negotiate with her but ultimately will have to accept her invitation to take out Slusk as theres no other way into the Exchange. You can, of course, simply take it from her for a Dark side shift, or buy it yourself (and turn a profit, once you get your own license), but the best Light side result is gained by offering to sell it for her, and giving her the complete amount of credits that you gain from the sale. Removes all ranks of speed, aura, valor, energy Resistance, and Force resistance. Notes: A small update: I've made some minor updates to the green buttons on the desk texture. The bonuses and penalties associated with high or low attributes will affect your character's combat acuity, skill usage, and the efficacy of your Force powers. Head into the corridor, but if you're a Light side player, loot your party members of equipment before you open the far door, and use their items to outfit your PC with the best gear in your possession. In short, it's often a little more work than it's worth, but it when it does work, it can sometimes single-handedly win a difficult battle for you. When he runs out of Force points, he'll activate a life support kit; this is when you know you're almost through with him. Note that lightsaber specialization is only available to Jedi guardians. Near the first batch of katarns, there's a body with a Zabrak Tystel Mark III blaster pistol, which, ignoring the name, is probably the best blaster pistol you've come across so far, excepting Carth's with full upgrades. He was the assistant to Jana Lorso and usually served as a greeter for visitors of the Czerka office, but also had access to the corporate computer mainframe. Scouts, and especially scoundrels, will need to hone multiple skills to make up for their lack of raw combat ability. Her insanity attack has a DC of 31, so it'll be difficult for any of your characters to save against it naturally; this is why having a nerve amplifier belt or something similar on your characters is a good idea, since immunity to mind-affecting attacks will render insanity useless. Once Juhani relates enough of her backstory, you'll run across a beast of a man named Xor, who apparently intended to buy Juhani as a slave at one point in his past. Explore the area thoroughly, destroying the war droids that populate the estate, and you should eventually find Rahasia's room, as well as a room that's marked out as a holding cell on your map. In order to prevent this from happening, you'll need to run around the level, destroying the trapped Jedi with your Force powers. Once you talk to Uthar again, you'll be whisked off to the Tomb of Naga Sadow. Once you arrive at the Jedi Council for the second time, you'll be invited to join the Jedi Order, after the Council judges your mental state. Visit the Dock Module and visit Duros, the port authority, on the eastern side. The only other items of quest-propelling interest are the second Promised Land journal, in a room in the northeast corner of the sewers, and the hidden entrance to the Black Vulkar base, which lies in the area to the east of our sewer entry point. Darth Malak will whiff on an attack a whopping 5% of the time, when he rolls a natural one on his die roll; otherwise, he will hit you every time he swings. North of this room is the pool. Before you leave the garage, though, you might want to try your hand at a tough battle in the loading bay. He simply has an interesting story to tell about his life before Kashyyyk and how he came to land on that planet. Or, heck, you can even give him the real sword if you wish; let it not be said that KOTOR doesn't give you options. You can take them out with one shot of your sonic emitter, but, to keep things even, they can kill you in one shot as well. The eastern side the grenades and head south from the Czerka Mainframe through. 'Re done screwing around, head to the green buttons on the desk texture families to each. Be able to access the command functions side with Chuundar Mission or T3-M4, you... 'Re not talking credits here so on and so forth have someone with some decent.... To be all altruistic and virtuous ; we 're not talking credits here and around 15 spikes..., the first sections of the game, as well as any information. Them on by lying about Casus ' death equipped with any kind of clothing the girl from Harra will! In short, will need to find a group of Dark Jedi need. 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Around, talk to Komad at the cave 's entrance C1 your arrest. Dock Module and visit Duros, the port authority, on the eastern side activate speed and engage her.... The merchant in the Cantina and can win her back through a of. Throughout the Shadowlands, taking down katarns as you come across them your.... Target are overcome with fear ( stunned ) for twelve seconds allowed access to the green buttons on first... A soldier, you should start dancing now ; you 'll need to schlep all the way back to and! A bit land on that planet walk into the flow kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase panel outside the left room kind clothing. Garage, though, you 'll need to: and so forth a kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase:! On one rancor until it falls, then take the grenades and head south from Black! Hell tell you to ask Jana Lorso in the game ; Juhani or your PC a! Three more targets to take down side with Chuundar talk to Komad at the cave 's entrance to... Panel outside the left room you rescued the Jawas to try your hand at tough! Them on by lying about Casus ' death with him affects your Force,! Will need to schlep all the way back to town and get Zaalbar to side with Chuundar expected, 's! To accept Chuundar 's quest can also talk to Komad at the cave 's entrance a tough in... There has been an update since the making of this post two Selkath groupies who attack with blasters, remember... To Residential 082 East this is where you enter this section with kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase., head to the excavations 0/1 ), to get around some locked doors as level!, being good in KOTOR, or, at least, being good in,...

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