my husband chooses his family over me islam

Here youll find some tips that could help you deal with this issue. My question is that My husband constantly underestimates me by calling names . Were your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love. The problem seems to be when your mother-in-law and father-in-law suddenly become intruders. You shouldnt hold any grudges or ghost him he doesnt deserve that. It requires you to have a lot of understanding and compassion. He wants to keep the peace between everyone, 3. In Indian families, the son is expected to prioritize his parents and siblings even after he is married and has his own family. Nonetheless, you should not hasten to it unless it becomes clear to you that it is the best solution. That is not done. This is something that may require the two of you to go to therapy together. Remember that those people are his parents. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough money to buy a house once they find the love of their life. Praise be to Allah. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. There will always be issues that need solving in marriage, but if you decide to go through them together as a couple, then your bond will only be stronger for it. Tell your husband to ask his parents to choose one destination and the second holiday destination will be your choice. My husband has always catered to his family. Well, those moms have a difficult time seeing their sons grow up. Still not sure what to do about your husband taking the side of his family over you? Related Reading: How Destructive Are Indian In-Laws? Avoid involving all of your family members and friends theyre not part of your marriage. We can only ever process situations through a filter of our own experiences, and what one person considers normal and acceptable might be absolutely appalling to another. He was treating me as his maid. It will take a lot of patience and tact on your part to help your husband look at things from your perspective. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Have an honest and open conversation with your husband, 3. Whether she is a virgin or a previously married woman, her consent must be obtained before her father or guardian can act on her behalf in any marriage contract. You have dont nothing wrong. This can only be achieved by each spouse knowing and fulfilling the rights of the other in the best manner. One situation that a lot of couples contend with is when the husbands parent(s) try to exert or maintain dominance without respecting their adult son and his partner. This is a really tricky situation and more common than you think. You should never criticize your husband for something hes done. Instead of resenting this, feel happy that your husband feels for his mother and wants to give her the best. So he would hover around the kitchen or give his wife a foot rub to ease the stress but he wouldnt be able to take that step to join his wife in the kitchen. Can I divorce? It really doesn't matter what he's done or hasn't done, or whether he's sending money to his family or not. Try to be patient and understanding while he goes through the process of distancing himself from his family a bit more, as this will probably take a while. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The famous mamas boy. So its time to act as such. So. We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. However, if you dont communicate your problem, hell never realize that youre feeling neglected. What Do You Do When Your Husband Chooses His Family Over You? When you exchanged your vows with the man you expected to choose you over everyone, you wanted him to be there by your side through thick and thin. For example, if you and your husband are of very different cultural backgrounds, you may have had very different experiences growing up. Or, give them two options for something, but make them options where you would be happy with either say, the feature wallpaper for your spare room. Due to circumstances he began to earn at the age of 6. He still feels a strong connection with his parents and has a hard time figuring out whether or not youre more important than them. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? Here you'll find some tips that could help you deal with this issue. But thats not what I mean. So it could be an alternative day arrangement. Assertiveness entails that you use I statements. This page contains affiliate links. Using you statements puts the other person on a defensive mode and the communication does not go anywhere. He seem to become an animal when he doesn't think he is taken care of. Which it sounds like you've decided already. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. As a wife, you have to realize when your husband chooses his family he is actually making a tightrope walk and succumbing to a lot of pressure. Recent studies have shown that men between 18 to 34 are most likely still living with their parents and not with a partner. If a wife continually runs to her parents for counsel instead of first talking with her husband, it can create a feeling of distrust. However in the past three years, it has gotten worse. I Dont Like My Husband As A Person, How To Handle A Husband Who Wants Sex All The Time (15 Tips), 15 Signs He Regrets Cheating On You (That Cant Be Faked), Can You Have More Than One Soulmate? The same with a husband. Speaking badly about his family or his character will only make the situation worse. He wants me to listen to his mother. If a part of his income goes to his family, ensure a part of your income goes to your family too. Your gut instinct tells you to confront him face-to-face, to tell him everything thats been on your mind for the last couple of months. Basically, if your husband is showing you that youre not top priority in his life, then make yourself the priority in yours. Marriage, in reality, is not like it is portrayed in Hallmark movies. By Kimberly Ben When I reverted to Islam over 10 years ago, I received mixed reactions from my friends and family. Rajesh is a protective and caring son, and Meenu treats that affection as an affront to her place in her life. In case divorce takes place, then Allaah Says (what means): {But if they separate [by divorce], Allaah will enrich each [of them] from His abundance. But definitely, it is also a given that you would support each other in looking after your respective families. His response to these and any other such questions should be a plain and simple Yes. And if his parents try to test his resolve on an issue that youve already agreed upon, he should keep his response equally as short: Mom/Dad, the decision has been made.. You will be hurt and you will show it to your husband in the form of some emotional reaction. But, with a bit of teamwork and his willingness to change, anything is possible. I was married at the age of 23 and my husband was 27. In this situation, you have to compromise. Share your feelings with him and see how hell react. This can cause a major rift if youre more independent, or if you want to build a strong marriage without mommy and daddy thinking that they can rule the two of you right into adulthood. Remember, marriage is all about teamwork. He may get really defensive, and tell you that youre being over sensitive or that things arent that big a deal. I delayed intimacy with my husband due to my in-laws but now regret it, His parents found him a new girl and Im left devastated, My future mother-in-law refuses to initiate relations in an acceptable manner. "You can't happily be both a husband and a mama's boy, because you're always torn in two directions," said . The smart wife is the one who is keen for her husband to develop a strong relationship with his own family and for there to be friendship and love between them. You may want to try. There were some problems with my husband, and at work, and he could not leave the UK and did not see his family for eight years. He may simply seek to keep the peace, either by doing and saying nothing or by siding with his family in the hope that he can smooth things out with you later. They think of them as children and as such create an unhealthy mother-son relationship. They made an attempt to make a problem. My cousins are astrayhow do I advise them? Some people who have been immersed in this kind of family dynamic all their lives might not have any other perspective other than their firsthand experience. }[Quran 4:130], You can search for fatwa through many choices, Marital problems and dissension between spouses. Just because you feel neglected and want him to ignore his family for the rest of his life, doesnt mean he has to accept that. First, you have to talk to him before making a final decision that has an impact on both of you. This person chose you for a reason, and took vows in front of others to stand by you, love you, honor you, support and cherish you. However, this sends negative vibes to the other person and ultimately ends up in communication deterioration. It means that youre willing to give and take to make things better. Do you want to stay in this marriage, knowing full well that youll never be treated with proper respect and appreciation, always being second (third, fourth) behind your husbands family members? If he doesnt have your back in this situation, how can you ever trust him or depend on him in more serious circumstances? Were all aware of how tough it can be to know whats going on inside a mans head. He has always been prioritizing them in small ways and does not realize how much he is hurting you by giving you a second-citizen treatment. Plus, we are sure, you wouldnt really appreciate a man who is not there with his parents when they genuinely and really need him. Even more so when and if your husband sides with them rather than you, and expects you to go along with things to keep the peace. How do I tell my parents I want to marry someone else? My husband always supports his mother the more you let this thought fester in your mind, the harder it will be to accept their bond. 1. Maybe youre wrong and hes right. Just counter their view with your own, firmly and decisively. Of course, theyre important to him. Its not uncommon in married life for there to be fights and arguments between a wife and a mom-in-law or husband and father-in-law. Other than that,the parental expectations from men are so much that sometimes perhaps the men do not even realize that they are mistreating their wives while trying to fulfill their expected roles as sons or brothers. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. There can be situations, sometimes unavoidable circumstances, that make a man choose his family, but he will surely expect your support. After our marriage ups and downs started to occur, and she gradually made him to change, we flew off to abroad and he didn't even treat me as his wife. If your husband is choosing his family over you, you also choose your family over him. Unfortunately, the same applies to their sons. Also, a mamas boy is afraid to move somewhere else as he doesnt want to be far away from her. His mother says that. So why not chat online to a relationship expert from Relationship Hero who can help you figure things out before its too late. I found true love after Nikah with another. The relationship between a man and his family should not get in the way of his relationship with his wife and children. This can get complicated if the parents are helping you financially. It can seem like an insurmountable situation when your husband chooses his parents and family over you. Men have the tendency to live with their parents longer, 2. Allow All Cookies. Things will only get worse if you let your hurt feelings turn toxic. Your best bet is to avoid having any conflict with your in-laws and try to have an honest conversation with your husband in a peaceful manner. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It involves putting across your message in a clearer and confident way. Why? Copyright IslamWeb 2023. Thats impossible. Work on the issue together as a team, but be sure to give him the latitude to realize he needs to shift his priorities. It is for this reason that the Prophet said: "Give gifts to one another and you will love one another." Your email address will not be published. Of course, your husband should help in this regard and he is Islamically required to have good relationships with his in-laws and this was the guidance of the Prophet with his in-laws. For example, if his parents are lending (or giving) you the money to put a down payment on your house, then they may use that as leverage to make decisions about which house you buy. It may seem like he loves them more than he loves you. Please give me your suggestions and give me sense of this issue. Besides, the husband should not reveal to his family everything that is related to his marital life with his wife; this is even prohibited if it is in relation to the sexual intercourse. Resentment would create negativity in your relationship. Make him sit down and explain to him that while its wonderful that he feels that his cousin needs him in the hospital and he visits her every day or that hes there for his sister but he could also feel for his son and help him out with Maths. I Left Everything For You, But You Failed Me: Letter To Husband Who Chooses His Family Over Wife by Guest Contributor February 19, 2021 This heart-touching letter captures the feelings of every wife, who has been ignored by her husband; whose husband chooses family over his wife. Trust me, youll feel instantly better when you open up to him. And most importantly, he needs to stand by you, support you, and defend you if youre being mistreated. The Bonobology Team comprises expert writers who have been writing on this specialized subject of relationships for a long time and have a deep understanding of couple relationships and its ramifications. At this point, when she is older and much more independent one would expect that he would give you more time and consideration. Ask him if he does not like your suggestion; to at least discuss with you why he does not agree. Answer. Leaving him. Most of the time he is not realizing the pressures he is putting on his wife by having an entourage of relatives always at home. What ever he buys for me even if its v small he tells his mother and his mother makes sure to ask for the same for her self and her daughter. However, it is also important to understand that it can be extremely frustrating to get your husband to change immediately. Then make it very clear to your relatives without being rude that you have work to do when they are dropping in so if you remain confined to your room, they should not hold it against you. You married a typical desi backward culture where the bride has to be a servant to his family, and the husband will be a mamas boy and give all his attention and earning to his family. Show him that you know how he feels. You are afraid he might kill you. I know this is a very difficult position to be in. Actually it was an arranged marriage. Sometimes, you have to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. We dont get to choose our family members, but we do get to choose our life partners. Abusive Mother-in-Law Wants to Control Our Life. So dont give up on him immediately. Finally, if you feel depressed and that keeping marital relations with your husband is impossible and that you are really harmed, then you have the right to ask for divorce. So, next time he chooses to spend a bit more time with his father than with you and chooses to go golfing with him, chances are hes doing it because he wants to satisfy his father and keep the peace between you. Married life is frequently used as a benchmark for true adulthood, however malleable that concept might be, and that means that it . If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. including preparing them for job interviews and helping them with finances to move into rented property. They may literally be in and out of each others lives on a daily basis. Answer: Of course you are "that important" so that your husband should share important birthdays with you. Think Aloud is a destination where youll find stories about every step you, as a woman, take. And if hes a proper mamas boy, then hell do everything he can to keep his mother happy, which means hell neglect you. Remember, you're a team and you can only solve this problem if you stick together. My family was always in our married life, new every argument we had and everything my husband did to me or said. Dont assume that your husband agrees with you on something. Sometimes youll feel as if he has no other option but to choose them over you. Look at it as a blessing that he is no longer wasting your time and now you can be with someone who does want to be with you. You find yourself doubting everything that youve created with this man because it seems as if he isnt yours anymore. Your husband may have lived in such a dynamic for his entire life. Perhaps you just needed affirmation. One day i asked him why is he more important then me? Even if there's any wrong going on he takes his family side. . I daily think of leaving him as I feel low of my self. My husband chooses his family over me Monday, March 29th, 2021 00:00 | By. Basically, that because theyve all known one another and supported one another for as long as your husband has been alive, they and their views, wants, needs, and preferences need to take precedence over yours. There could be a circumstance when your husband really needs to give his family his undivided attention and financial help. 1 Set your boundaries right at the inception. Take the example of Meenu and Rajesh, who are both well in their 50s and have been married for more than two decades. And if you are living separately, it could be a given that weekends have to be spent at the in-laws place and you would have no aspirations for movies or dine out. Or will he accept the fact that he overlooked your emotions? I know that youre hurt now. And then post marriage, you wonder why your husband chooses his family, again and again,hurting you in the process. Among the objectives of marriage in Islam is the stability of the Muslim family and the spread of affection and love between its members. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If your husband spends time with his parents straight after coming home from work, keeps chatting with them for hours and then heads off to sleep without spending time with you, then it's a concern. He is unable to show his feelings and cannot really muster enough courage to say no to his parents. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. But not choose her publicly. Really close. My parents are threatening divorceam I being punished for my haram relationship? You have the right to make your own decisions. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger. If i tell him of my plans he will tell hismother and he changes his mind. Thats especially the case if theyre pressuring him. Related Reading: 5 ways to deal with your husbands parents. Sister, I am sorry that you are in such a difficult position. And now that hes married, he might have difficulties changing them as he failed to mature enough to do so. Neither you nor any of his relatives can have an influence on his decisions. Learn how your comment data is processed. This is a reality many married women face in India. He lacks sexual desire for you..He keeps you in an apartment with his 4 cousinsThat could easily lead to This could get really annoying because this is one of the tell-tale signs your husband puts his family first. She should not be an obstacle in the . Marriage doesnt include just you and him your in-laws are part of the equation as well. Sister, it is important to realize that we often react to our environment and get excessively emotional. I love my Muslim boyfriend but he already has a wife. For example, if his parents have made most of his decisions for him, and hes just meekly gone along with it and deferred to their judgment, then he may expect you to do the same. If he's no more there and not at all by my side then whats the use of living with him. 1. . Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Well, family feuds are a real thing and if you watched that movie, youd know what Im talking about. The inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. His and your family will always be part of your marriage. While attending my first family gathering wearing Hijab, I was eyed very curiously at first, but with time they have come to accept my choice. Its a well-known fact that women mature faster than men. That, above all, is the issue that needs to be worked out. He may not have even questioned it. This is a common problem women face in collectivistic cultures and especially in the sub-continent. I lived with 4 cousins in one apartment and had to do household works in huge bulks. Simple phrases such as Im afraid our minds are made up, or Well have to agree to disagree can be effective in shutting down a conversation. But before all of that, you have to give him space and time to initiate the change. When she says something nasty about you, he doesn't stick up for you. They always rely on their mother regardless of whether they live alone or if theyre married. In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees be held liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services. The best advice that I can give you if your husband chooses his family over you is to openly talk with him about the issue. But instead of festering and fighting with him, you could think of taking some steps so that he could balance his own family and your aspirations as well. He shouldnt take their side or favor their view simply because hes afraid of standing up to them. They claim to be their knight in the shining armor. Im 40 years old but my mother wont let go! Pray to Allah SWT for guidance, mercy and help. Accept your husbands strong relationship with his mom, 9. Only then it is possible that you can help him see your perspective on things. Prioritize yourself. Eventually, you feel less worthy and as if you have to compete with them for his time. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Marriage is a sacred bond. Take a class that youve always wanted to delve into. Lets get this straight. This is the kind of relationship where his mother smothers him with calls and text messages and hes always there to answer them. Should Your Spouse Be Your First Priority? Sadly, many women believe that they can read their partners minds. And, quite frankly, if he cant change his ways and treat you as an equal to his family, there are any great choices. One excuse thats commonly heard in situations where your husband chooses his family over you is theyve been family to me longer than weve been a couple.. Hence, the husband is ordained to have a good marital relationship with his wife in the same way the wife is ordained to have a good marital relationship with her husband. Of course, it is a good thing for the husband to be kind and dutiful to his family members, but it is not permissibleto achieve thatat the expense of the wife or in matters that could harm her. To get yourself heard,understand the cause of why he is behaving in this way. And to combat any resentment, you can actively ask their opinions on some smaller, less important decisions and then agree with what they say things like what hymns to have at your childs christening. What can I do about it? Women's inheritance laws in Islam. You sure wont have your happy-ever-after if you do. 970K views, 16K likes, 288 loves, 78 comments, 136 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Watsicao: Ngi n ng thy nh m mnh trong nh t ph But the final word has to be yours and his alone. This is alright as long as it is not a repeated thing. I wish to leave my cheating husband and take the children with me. Our vision is to become a supportive community where youll feel that theres someone out there who gets you, supports you in creating and keeping strong bonds between your families and friends. Since we have been married for 2 years, I faced a lot of minor and major crisis. He said that he loved me but that was his brother they grew ip together. Still not sure what to do about your husband taking the side of his family over you? Be careful to always approach him with respect and try to be patient. They may resent you somewhat for it, but unless they are particularly toxic individuals, they should back down sooner or later. So,try looking at things from your husbands perspective. When your husband or wife knows he or she comes before your parents, it creates a deeper marital bond. Then, with this limit in mind, you can better schedule that time so that it covers all the most important gatherings. But dont do it with a sense of vengeance or to get back at him. It shows honor and respect for your spouse. But if theyre hurting you and making you feel disrespected, then yes this is a big deal indeed. Why would my husband choose his family over me? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. So, instead of being hurt and showing it passively, it might be a good idea to collect yourself together and ask your husband gently but firmly why he did not listen to your idea or even consider it. He was never violent, just sometimes aggressive. If one cannot treat them nicely, then at least he should not mistreat them. Maybe he feels as though he has more responsibility towards them, as they were the ones who brought him up and he feels as though there is a need to repay them. So what happens when, whether in times of conflict or otherwise, your husband chooses his family over you? Sometimes, women dont classify them as such because it carries a bad connotation. Furthermore, the interference of the family members of the husband in his marital life is something that is likely and its reason is usually jealousy or misunderstanding and the like. My Istikhara came out as yes, but I dont like him! Follow us at: This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Perhaps, whatever free time he does get between work and other responsibilities, he spends it hanging out with his friends. Sometimes the decision such as which college your son should study in or when your daughter should come back home become topics of family round table conferences. So, let everyone know how their actions are affecting you and your relationship with your spouse. As such, he needs to understand that compromises need to be made. He Bows To His Domineering Parents (And Expects You To Do The Same) One situation that a lot of couples contend with is when the husband's parent (s) try to exert or maintain dominance without respecting their adult son and his partner. Understanding your spouse, being attentive to them and fulfilling every kind of need of the spouse is your first priority. You feel betrayed and abandoned by your husband. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You may want to try speaking to someone via for empathetic, specific, and genuinely insightful relationship advice at its most convenient. Instead of being dragged to family gatherings that will make you miserable, make plans to spend time with your friends instead. Dont try to criticize their views or tell them that they are wrong for making those views heard. 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