should a christian sue for pain and suffering

It is thought that one of the reasons that medical insurance is so expensive is that there are so many people who sue for things that were never under anyones control or were not caused by one individuals negligence in the first place. In fact, our suffering is a sign of God's love. Feeling isolated is one of the hardest parts of suffering. It is a matter of a real vocation, especially when one is united to the Church with a Christian profession. 11). In Christ the enigma of pain and death is revealed. It is God the Father who provides the answer to the problem of suffering: it consists in the fact that he "gives" his Son to the world. . The Bible tells us that the world is at enmity with God and at enmity with Christians. For example, if a plaintiff incurs $3,000 in medical bills . Some lawyers may target Christians who are looking for someone to help them with their problems; others may focus on people looking for someone to blame for their pain and suffering. It's difficult to put a value on a person's mental and emotional well-being because it's purely subjective. It can also be helpful to keep a journal documenting your emotional suffering. While our natural reaction to pain is to avoid it, get rid of it, or numb it; we need to realize that God allows pain. When doctors said he would probably lose the sight in his right eye, Mr. Norfleet said, "Losing an eye is a small thing. After differentiating "natural" evil (e.g., tornados), "malicious" evil (e.g., sexual assault), and "accidental" evil (e.g., a bridge collapse)and observing that this isn't a uniquely Christian challenge ("No matter your worldview, you must face the reality of suffering and evil")Carson proceeds to reveal the six pillars. The bottom line is that most types of workplace injury claims can only be resolved through the workers' comp . According to Jesus, you should settle an argument with an adversary even before you go to court. . Therefore, though it were an attack of an enemy, by the time it reaches me, it has the Lord's permission, and therefore all is well. With all this said, it is important to remember that you need to ask yourself if you would want to be forgiven by God if you were in trouble? The Bible speaks of suing and the importance of seeking justice (1 Timothy 6:7), but it does not specifically address this issue. Generally, you must have evidence, like medical testimony, to prove your pain and suffering resulted from the accident you are claiming. They would be entitled to compensation for their economic injuries separately (the cost of medical care and lost wages). You are learning both the tenderness and the clarity necessary to help sanctify another persons deepest distress. The starting point for the Christian understanding of suffering is the messianic self-understanding of Jesus himself. If you can see the purpose beyond the pain, you will understand God's ability to leverage the suffering in your . In many cases the legal system can sort out the facts and come to a resolution far more quickly and effectively than the concerned individuals could on their own. . Should Christians be involved in lawsuits? . In God's sovereign scheme, pain and suffering are not only powerless to destroy the believer, they can result in a refined, resilient faith that perseveres and spurs others on in the same way, until we see our Lord and Savior face to face. Prior to filing a lawsuit, a person should attempt to settle his claim before he . One of the counterintuitive truths about suffering is that it prepares Christians for more glory. It is quite understandable that this would happen. Judges 4:5. Claims Amount = $2,000 + $300 X [1.5 to 5%] For a serious debilitating injury, like a disfigurement or brain damage, your claim is estimated to be in the range of $11,500.00 to $23,000.00. If someone is suing you for pain and suffering, then perhaps it is because they are experiencing financial hardship due to their own negligence or wrongdoing. Suffering, the Pope says, consists in feeling cut off from good. . We see this biblical truth illustrated through the persecuted church. In addition to physical pain, the accident and your resulting injuries can also cause you mental distress. A Christian who is directed to abandon any legal action by God must do so willingly in order to follow His direction. Claims Amount = $2,000 + $300 X [5 to 10%] Current pain and suffering is the time period from the time of your injury, to the completion of all your medical . It's all part of a well-planned courtship. Saving all evidence such as medical bills and other expenses associated with the injury is imperative. Because damages for "pain and suffering" are subjective and can be extremely different in each case, settlements and jury verdicts for these damages can be unpredictable. Suffering is abnormalour souls protest, "This isn't right!" If possible, try finding witnesses who were present during those instances where someone else caused harm to others (or even themselves). Calculating Pain and Suffering Can Be Complex. We do not offer financial advice, advisory or brokerage services, nor do we recommend or advise individuals or to buy or sell particular stocks or securities. As my body weakens from the lifelong impact of polio, to be honest, I have a deep frustration with it that makes me grateful for the perfect, beautiful, completely working resvurrection body waiting for me on the other side. Jesus said that we should settle with an adversary on the way to court. The Gospel According to Matthew described the temptation of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness as a temptation to worldly power. Many plaintiffs' attorneys were trained to use one of two methods for calculating pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is something that cannot be easily quantified, making it difficult to prove. I am not aware of any biblical restrictions regarding the right of a person to sue a corporation. 1. Chambers, June 25. Three topics, among others, that the Pope addresses in his Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris with regard to suffering as a mystery are: "evil and suffering", "Christ takes on suffering", and "the value of human suffering". . It is a joyful, shining mystery and full of happiness. As the saying goes, Everything is lawful, but not everything is edifying (1 Corinthians 10:23). But God brings suffering in our lives for the sake of our eternal joy yes, even glory. Compare 1 Peter 1:6-7 where the same Greek words are used along with the verb dokimazo which means, "put to the test," "prove by testing as with gold.". Paul writes, "We know that all things work . Thus, suffering involves solidarity (cf. Many people are bothered by the fact that jury verdicts often seem to exceed the value of an injured partys damages in a case where the verdict was a defense verdict. C.S. There are many other options available besides suing those who have wronged us. There is nothing in Scripture that would prohibit you from defending yourself in this way. National and International Religion Report, Vol. Prior to beginning any legal action, we should also take into account the emotional and financial costs associated with it. The Bible does talk about mediation, which could be considered a form of suing for your rights. It can include: Physical pain. Scripture makes it pretty clear that brothers and sisters in Christ should not be suing one another (1 Corinthians 6:1-11). The Purpose of Pain. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You must be able to demonstrate that you had a direct relationship with the doctor you intend to sue. A man is required to recover for the time he lost when he is struck by another man, as stated in Exodus 21:18-19. Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragn, President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, gave a lecture in July, in Aachen, Germany, on "Pain, an enigma or a mystery?". For I . We are forced to depend on the intercession of the Holy Spirit and the saints, needing them to go before the throne of God on our behalf. ibid.,n. Consequently, the cause of suffering is an evil; so, suffering and evil can be identified with each other. And if you are faithful to cling to God now, I promise He will use you greatly to comfort others later." Sometimes He trusts us with great pain in order to make a point, whether the intended audience is believers, unbelievers, or the spirit realm. Physical pain and suffering refer to the damages related to physical pain that an injured person endures from an injury or accident. Pain and suffering is a type of non-economic damage that the victim has suffered. So when I say to a mother or father who has also lost a child, "I hurt with you, because I've lost a precious one too," my tears bring warmth and comfort in a way that someone who has never known that pain cannot offer. But even medicine is a gift from God where man tested God's creation and created medications that would help our fallen, human bodies. But how? She also loves speaking for MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) and Stonecroft Min More, The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. The book of Job shows us there can be two ways to respond to suffering: one that curses God because of suffering and one that praises God, even in the midst of suffering (Job 2:910). Lawyer directory. substance abuse. However, although God rejects this theory and approves Job's innocence his suffering remains a mystery: not all suffering is consequential to transgression, which is proof of Job's righteousness. By Rick Warren. Christians were murdered, women raped and sold into slavery along with their children, and whatever property they owned was either destroyed or stolen from them. You also deserve to be compensated for the emotional pain that . Theology of suffering is the study of what the Bible says about suffering while considering who God is and the current state of humanity. If a Christian refuses to have the matter resolved by the church or by a Christian, then you can take him to court if he refuses to resolve the matter through the church or by a Christian. The Holy Spirit is the Love of the Father and of the Son, and it is only through the Love of the Spirit that we can glimpse this mysterious, redeeming solidarity. 8605 Explorer Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920-1051. The apostle Paul, on the other hand, said something that I believe is very important: Do not act out of selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also look out for the interests of others (Philippians 2:3-4). The multiplier is chosen depending on factors such as: For example, if a person is involved in a car accident and suffers whiplash, a concussion, and a broken arm, their medical bills could total $5,000. d. a place where humans were banished from the. If you believe you or someone you love were the victim of medical malpractice, contact Morgan & Morgan. If you are unable to determine who was responsible, then you will have difficulty proving your case in court. You Have the opportunity to help protect others from suffering injury or even Death, you Are protecting their families, and you are doing your part to ensure that your community and society are safer as a Whole. The Lord's purpose in both storms was to train them to stop relying on their physical eyes and use their spiritual eyes. Suffering, the Pope says, consists in feeling cut off from good. Catastrophic injuries that cause long-term disabilities often bring multi-million dollar settlements to compensate for past and future pain and suffering. There are several kinds of personal injury suits, all of which can result in pain and suffering settlements. I think that the development of the Pope's thought climbs six steps towards the fullness of the mystery of suffering and pain; we can sum them up as follows: Suffering is not in itself evil but is the effect of a negative cause. It is also clear from the context of Acts 16:37 that he uses the implied threat of using that law as a means of punishing those who oppose him. He not only teaches those we rub shoulders with every day, but He instructs the countless millions of angels and demons. This divine action is an act of the Most Holy Trinity since the Eternal Father gave his Son to humanity so that he might redeem it through the work of the Holy Spirit. Every man and every woman should feel personally called to bear witness to love in suffering and must not leave those who are suffering to be cared for solely by official institutions (ibid.,n.29). Economic damages: $5,000. It forces us to face the fact that we are powerless to change other people and most situations. And neither does it mean that Scripture doesnt tell us how to think about our suffering now. ibid.,n. Pain and suffering damages are often the largest part of a . Meghann Cuniff is a legal affairs journalist who is a veteran of daily newspapers and has deep experience reporting on complex civil litigation, including mass torts and class actions, securities cases, patent disputes and high-stakes litigation involving major tech companies. Having been falsely arrested, he used the application of Roman law to be able to regain his freedom once he had been falsely incarcerated. All Rights Reserved. I know the Bible says Christians should not sue Christians, but is it okay to sue non-Christians? Only by experiencing the mystery can we penetrate it with our minds. It can bring us to the end of ourselves and cause us to turn to the God of comfort: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all . Cases include: Pain and suffering can be caused by injuries such as: Factors that affect the amount of a pain and suffering settlement include: In most cases the settlement you are seeking is paid by an insurance company and the policy limits control how much of a settlement they offer. Suffering conforms us into God's . . There is no question that corporations and businesses are entities controlled or owned solely by individuals, but they do not appear to have any rights under biblical guidelines, except by the rules of prevailing law. He redeems all of it for His glory and our blessing. Before you can recover any compensation for your injuries, you must be able to prove liability against the defendant. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1992), 122. I got truth from studying, but I got to know the Savior through suffering. Types of Pain and Suffering Claims. Suffering makes us homesick for heaven. You cannot sue a doctor you overheard giving medical advice in a social setting. The apostle Paul wrote, We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:89). The amount of money you seek in your lawsuit can depend on your injury and also the legal limits in your jurisdiction. Avvo has 97% of all lawyers in the US. In fact, in the Book of Job and someother Books of the Old Testament the answer is that the cause of evil the transgression of the natural order created by God. But not always. 2022 12 Aug. Suffering develops holiness in unholy people. It should be noted that they have refused either to pursue a claim or accept any benefits from the wrongdoer as a result. 12:6). As the saying goes, Everything is legal, but not everything is profitable.. This article is also available in Spanish. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What Does the Bible Say About Helping Others Too Much? It is far from easy to define the cause of suffering or of the evil connected with it. Many Christians wonder if it's okay to take medicine for the disease, illness, or other type of suffering God ordained. Ouch! The whole context of 1 Corinthians 6:1-6 deals with disputes in the church, but Paul does reference the court system when he speaks of judgments concerning things pertaining to this life. It is a core part of the Christian vocation to seek to relieve the suffering of others. Consider how the Lord Jesus was the exact representation of the glory of the FatherI mean, He was all window and no walls! His one aim is the production of saints. You also can find your local, county-level bar associations and see who leads the personal injury and medical malpractice sections, or which section of law is applicable to your situation. Injuries that arent physical still can bring large pain and suffering settlements, such as a wrongful termination that causes significant humiliation or depression. We usually don't have much trouble understanding that our Divine Bridegroom loves us; but we can easily forget how much He longs for us to love Him back. Injured people sometimes use claims related to pain as a way to justify higher payouts than those warranted by actual damages caused by negligence or wrongdoing; these types of lawsuits are generally referred to as pain and suffering cases because their goal is simply to receive compensation for an injury-related problem without regard for how much damage was actually done (i.e., whether or not someone was hurt). Paul explained what happens in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18: "Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Which could be considered a form of suing for your injuries, you must have evidence, medical. 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