skip jansen delphi murders

Weve been proven correct on eight different things that only the police could have known. Hmm . 2) There was a shot that was deliberately fired into the creek in an attempt to scare Libby, whom was attempting to evade Mr. I don't mean to offend anyone but I just see a lot of dismissive comments towards theories or suggestions in favor of ones that are just as presumptive and/or rediculous. You think Im stupid? We are joined in the Garage by Skip Jansen to discuss a new suspect and a theory that is catching fire! So, to end my novel, I agree with you. It says they are looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, film, etc. FAIR USE Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976. 43 seconds of audio. He has a prosthetic foot due to diabetes, and no way could he high-tail it across that bridge. What does everyone else who has followed the case closely think about this. His wife has taken to social media lately, pleading with people to stop harassing them and insisting he had nothing to do with this crime. So hes a murderer. And a few hours ago, fake DP posted that exact same article. Thanks for your time. TCG with Skip Jansen made a compelling argument as to why & how this person could be responsible. I may have questions, but that would be the extent.. The few times Ive brought him up myself (this is really on Reddit) I have been ripped apart for my apparent stupidity. Not quite sainthood, but getting there. But that would mean that Becky Patty would have to say that she called the wife. I do not know why RRB is? This is all so immature of everyone. I want you to know that your comment is no longer there. It was stated that Libby was nude. Nobody is solving this here, if you think your googling skills are more powerful than the literal FBI, who actually do have all the evidence, millions of dollars and a plethora of science labs then I will dox myself so you can turn up and slap me in my face personally. Because it doesnt matter whether I think hes guilty or not. Also his personality is nothing like Scott Alexander, some sock who is claiming to be LK on Facebook groups. Abigail, 13, and Libby, 14, went out on the Monon High Bridge trail near Delphi for a walk on Feb. 13, 2017, and what happened next is mostly a mystery. Are there any screenshots of these alleged changing stories from DP, Cheyenne, and others discussed in this podcast? *******If you have information on this case or know who Bridge Guy is, or have had interaction with the anthony_shots profile please contact law enforcement. Could be to cover their own asses. Also, you develop better sources. Admitting his culpability only after lying to law enforcement, whom he first told that the girl shot herself while cleaning her weapon. Im confused. Dime a dozen. Furthermore, almost nothing of consequence is being said, and it reminds you of a night with your friends drinking, and no one says one thing of importance for hours. You mentioned a pic of CSI workers with a doll a couple of days ago did anything come of this? I dont know why that stood out to me. They talked to Ron and he allowed them to park on her land. I heard that at the 2019 conference, she burst into tears. I cannot remember which girl had taken the photo of the man on the bridge with her cell phone, but I had read somewhere that on that cell phone there was audio of her saying something about a weird man approaching them and that is why she took the photo. There are screenshots showing the discrepancies. Among other things, Carroll . There are screenshots showing the discrepancies. This week we continue our coverage of this very high profile case. Do you think someone was sitting in the car at the CPS building waiting for POI? Were they are waiting for God Himself to come bring the keys? 13) Search Shell station footage in between 25 miles from crime scene throughout. Wait so the part about him recording the crime is some search warrant given to someone where the cops wanted to check media files? Do not release information that can be used to do the same or join in attacks conducted by others. Please do not contact people you are suspicious of or attempt to harass, threaten or intimidate anyone. They think he did it. I must have the wrong name for your POI? What it does do, however, is make LE appear to be slightly less incompetent for calling off that search if Abby and Libby were confirmed to have been deceased before the search even started. Jesus, his pio needs a restraining order. I long held that Evansdale and Delphi were connected due to the inversely related murder dates and MOAs. A man was a suspect in this crime, and one document, a search warrant, are from LEs investigation of him. We believe he could have been staging that elaborate crime scene during that time. Dads not talking. I know that many of the previous POIs looked like the second sketch, but if you apply the logic that this was DP lying about who he saw, then that makes sense that only DP resembles the second sketch and the first was a red herring. The sigs are from the FBI and a court official. Also to True Crime Garage. The judicial system likes to make sure that they get it right, if only to protect the due process rights of the accused. Earlier today, fake DP posted those same newspaper articles and said "someone" sent them to him. Perhaps a parent(s) was involved particularity in the cover up especially since the killer was inexperienced at covering their tracks. As you said in episode 3 that the killer must not be in the database prior to the murder,but Indiana had changed law to require DNA added to the database upon arrest?/conviction? And humans are animals too. Im from the UK too and once a crowd beat up a Paediatrician because they mistakenly thought it meant he was a paedophile. Not sub rules, all of Reddit rules. If its who I think it is, you can tell her I said that. Hes bored and has nothing to do, so we recruited him to sleuth for us. There is no way he would come back later to stage anything because he wouldnt know how safe it was or how many law enforcement would be around. Etc. Its very rare for killers to take photos or videos of their crimes. As you can see, the numbers are the same. The one thing I cannot do is help him get away with his crimes, that is, be an accessory. . You are apparently a better sleuth than I am. However, I do not believe it was sexually motivated, but believe theres potential for multiple motives. No one knows if they talked to Ron about Mr. X. I doubt it because Ron keeps saying the killer is this Garrett Kirts, and its not him. In particular, user/tobor is excellent. I long held that Evansdale and Delphi were connected due to the inversely related murder dates and MOAs. It was dusty and disheveled. I think the girls met up with BG somewhere on that trail before they got onto the bridge. Mr. X was a senior in high school at the time. On the way back he sees and follows Libby/Abby across the bridge, coercing them down the hill and killing them around 2:20-2:40. @Skip, Im not saying anymore in an attempt to protect LEs directive. *******If you have information on this case or know who Bridge Guy is, or have had interaction with the anthony_shots profile please contact law enforcement. Never knew what the case was against this man other than that he had property near the bridge, and he and his wifes alibi of being out of the state traveling got a bit mangled. Hes a local executive of a government function or perhaps better yet a nonprofit of some sort. The only crime on Mr. Xs record is an expunged conviction for statutory rape from 1984 in Indiana when he 18 and the girl was 14. No one has. Via LE Source A, Mr. X s roommate in 2011-2012 in Delphi told LE that BG was absolutely Mr. X. Indeed, he has been questioned and he is cooperating fully with the investigation. There was posing. Anyone with information was asked to contact or 765-822-3535, and provide as much information as possible, such as when and how you communicated with anthony_shots, what social media apps were used, and if anthony_shots attempted to meet you or get your address. I'll just have to get licensed in the jurisdiction where it happens. They were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, Fox59 reported, which is part of the Delphi. Thanks. Do you think the POI drove to the Mears lot immediately after the crime or left the area? Both of these people were probably ragers before, so its not like they did a U-turn. We believe that those reactions were overblown. I think cycles finally straighten out at age 15. Theres only one parent. High Robert, He is happy to do so. I think he already knew that they would be there. And my ban appeal didnt work either. Do you know why FSG was there at the trails; how long hed been there; how he got there; if he drove, what sort of car he drove and where he parked it. What would be Mr X reason for leaving them there? But answer me this. In fact just based on what I have going on, researching this case is the absolute last thing I should be doing, but its drawing me in, and I cant help it. . LE thinks he stashed his phone at the CPS building during the murders. Expunged just means taken out of public records. Marital status: Married, rocky and tumultuous marriage with breakups where they go live on their own and later get back together. February 13 is 2/13. Besides being psycho. Thats not very many. An Indiana man accused of killing two teenage girls in the infamous Delphi murder case was linked to the crime through an unspent bullet found at the scene, newly revealed documents show. Hard to believe that there are two DPs and two QPs in such a small area. I found who mr. X is. I personally find it odd for a tryst. He took it with him in some sort of hunting pack? Its not free though. He hunted deer on RLs land all the time. I guess one thought about the cops searching for videos, and I dont know the specific wording but could it be they are looking for businesses or residences that have security cameras? I just donated via PayPal. LE would also be interested in anyone who may have helped Mr. X after the crime, perhaps burning evidence or whatever. BG must have fired his gun at some point in this crime. Drunkard perhaps. Mr. X needed the lost his keys excuse to explain how he stayed in that spot for 18 hours. We all go through shit in our lives, but if she wants to stop making enemies, she can stop picking fights. We suppose if was listening to a police scanner, he could have known that early, but whats the likelihood of Mr. X listening to a police scanner between 5:30-6:30 PM on the day of the crime? However, I do not know how to contact you Sir. Ok how on Earth do they know that BG shot 43 seconds of audio unless that rumor about sending the crime film to the phones is true? He may well have had a deer blind on the Mears property. Hes a greedy businessman with dollar signs in fluttering eyes that sound like clanging cash registers every time he blinks. If DP sues Skip and/or TCG for defamation, that will result in near certainty about his involvement. He states when he got home that night (13th) one of his neighbors had came over to ask if he could search his property, looking for the girls. Case in point - he said last time that his suspect was currently in jail. It is an educational conversation about the current facts and opinion theories discussed in this investigation. Particularly this statement. Which begs the question, if Mr. X is BG, how did he come to acquire a pair of Indiana Packers boots, which is what he appears to be wearing during his crime? If I can figure out how to post them here.. The change in sketches, the age range, much of what has been said by LE etc. How about getting your moneys worth? Its more secure. Can not figure out what P stands for. Bottle of toilet bowl cleaner in left pocket.*. Children: Two daughters, one ~22, another ~30. But they didnt get to ask him about PB. And there are some good posters on r/LibbyandAbby; its just that they happen to be in the minority and all the best posters get downvoted to Hell and the people who are dead wrong get scores of upvotes! I guess Im not sure when he graduated. Until then, the enemies will keep attacking. But I see the home is raised. Note that it was parked in head first. He is wearing a deer kit, which contains five different types of knives. The Delphi Murders Live Special Guest Skip Jansen No views Sep 24, 2022 Tonight I will welcome my special guest Skip Jansen as we discuss current events going on in the Delphi case.. Wheres the rest of it? No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. I have not been able to determine that from all of these postings. That can only mean one thing. The point is that that Mr. Holder had nothing to do with this crime. BA, Journalism, Cal State University Long Beach, 1981. Will be posted by Saturday, March 11th. 8) He drives an older model Ford Ranger type of truck. He just wanted dirty pictures. Or wet sneaker. Also, the props were put at the scene later too, perhaps after the girls were killed. It is on the girls cellphones, but if you listen to it, you will just hear a bunch of unintelligible garble. No, the other girl was also having sex with males and she also had a boyfriend. People have said DP used to be highly active on Facebook and on Reddit in relation to the Delphi murders prior to the second sketch being released. Let us know if you want to join the private sleuthing site where we can talk about this stuff in much greater detail than we do out here. FSG is at the trails every day. She described his eyes as dark and evil. Im fooling the cops, ha ha! is the thinking. Furthermore, we have two different LE sources, both detectives in Indiana, tell us that this is exactly what happened. Dolls were hanging from trees at the crime scene. I know some people are upset for this style of episodes and so be it. Thank you I came here after being directed to you. Innocent people are hurt and killed in these cases, but theyre not really high profile and we dont have time to mess with this epidemic. He was the right age, but he doesnt look like BG. In these cases, we have 4-5 separate sources, usually vaguely referred to as inside sources, testifying to the truth of something. Your email address will not be published. Kelsis DNA was the only DNA found on the bodies. Hunting partner of Anthony Greeno, podcaster who has reported on the case avidly. I cant demand that my friends give me money! I am featuring a world renowned psychic detective through an interview Ill be conducting tomorrow. It was believed that someone was killing females and removing their hearts. Urinating is no problem, but what if he had to defecate? And if Mr. X was being tried today and I was on the jury, I would certainly vote to acquit. Maybe we need to clear him a 243rd time then just to make sure! This lines up nicely with Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said that BG used binoculars in this crime. Yes. I believe there a at least a few who suspect this individual. So that means he killed these girls because theyre chicks too! Doesnt sound like a logical progression of thought to me. We think people need to stop talking about DNA. Two young girls disappear off of an extraordinarily dangerous bridge in the middle of the day when they had plans to be picked up at a specific time? A podcast called The Murder Sheet talked to another woman who said her interactions with Kline started when she was only 12 years old. I would like to email this , as it is not particularly relevant to the comments on this page. One last side note.. Nic stated in the podcast that Indiana collects DNA for all individuals convicted of a felony but it's actually anyone arrested for a felony, which is a much lower threshold. A series of events where one girl screamed and then was quickly hit on the head with a blunt object, which we believe is a gun butt. Skip provides a notable suspect at the scene with a shady storyline, but we still are left in the dark about motive. Is there any way on Earth that BG could look like the young man in that sketch or even an 18-40 year old? Thats very embarrassing. Of course Ron Logan didnt do it. Neither Kegan nor Tony Kline can be placed at the bridge on that day or on any other day for that matter. Were you a member of the private group? We wrote an article a while back pointing out that we felt Holder was innocent, and that set off a spate of hate mail and threats from him and his son, which we found odd. Stabbing of one girl in the neck artery at some point after the above events. Yes, they did record audio of themselves torturing those girls. The accusation is that she knows something or knows way too much and is covering for someone, presumably the killer. They want to keep him in the dark. No, I Dont Lack Credibility or Legitimacy, Alt Left: Hate the Collective But Love the Individual. He was searching for the girls. I saw this being explained in some YT comments to a bunch of brainlets. 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