snape's patronus before lily

Snape stays by Voldemort's side throughout the Battle of Hogwarts, which turns out to be a fatal mistake. Voldemort did not answer. rev2023.3.1.43269. Spoilers for the Harry Potter film & books to follow! I dunno why, I'm just feeling it. A bat makes a lot of sense. This beautifully illustrates the difference between James genuine and Severus obsessive love for Lily. We got to know about it in, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. when Harry looked at the memories of late Prof. Snape It was him who cast a doe Patronus to Harrys aid, which came as a surprise not only to Albus Dumbledore but also to the audience especially because Snape was particularly hostile towards Harry. Instead, he was obsessed with her and his patronus became a monument to her loss. For example, James Potter's was a Stag while Lily's was a Doe. Is there a relationship between Lily Evans's and Snape's patronus?! Born to Muggle Tobias Snape and witch Ellen Prince, young Severus Snape has a difficult childhood due to a strained and often angry relationship between his parents, which Harry personally witnesses when he accidentally glimpses one of Snape's private childhood memories. Then how did Snape know that Harry was in the Forest of Dean? Lilys true love was James Potter, who, although Lily once told Magical abilities and skills. Well, both roads ultimately lead to Snape. Even though Harry, Ron, and Hermione attack him so that he doesn't turn Sirius in, he shows up at the last minute and tries to protect our heroes when Lupin turns into a werewolf (hence the monthly potion) and attacks everybody there. There's no period in time where Snape is shown to be lonely. Moreover, sending his Patronus was the only way he could have helped Harry find the sword, primarily because he had to pretend that he was Voldemorts most trusted aide. He didnt tolerate mediocrity. Neville, due to his low self-confidence and self-esteem, suffered a lot magically, especially at Potions. They can also complement each others. He has a cool and serious attitude even under pressure and is rarely given to emotional outbursts. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Because Snapes feelings for Lily were so extreme, and because people typically take on the Patronus of the one they love the most, Snapes Patronus is a doe. still wants to marry him, even though hes been bitten! Severus was a childhood friend whom she grew more and more apart from due to his affiliation with the Dark Arts. The Prince's Tale shows him going from that, to being in a large group of Slytherin friends. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell, Strange behavior of tikz-cd with remember picture. 2023, part of the Hopnetic network. Now, as firmly established, Snape was not the greatest fan of Harry, but that didnt mean that he ever stopped loving Lily. He could also have a white peacock Patronus, since Malfoy Manor has white peacocks at the entrance. slowly, Sometimes a great shock an emotional upheaval , It looked big, and it had four legs, said Harry, struck by a sudden Professor Snapes Patronus In The Forest Of Dean, Severus Snape was Potions Master, Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Lily brought light and warmth into Snapes life from the moment they met. But it's never explicitly said, so I really don't know! To evoke a Patronus, an immensely complicated spell was required, and that was why the majority of witches and wizards were unable to produce them. The lonely boy had quite a difficult home life, and Lily was the first To evoke a Patronus, an immensely complicated spell was required, and that was why the majority of witches and wizards were unable to produce them. Was Shacklebolt's Patronus the only one that spoke? Why does the impeller of a torque converter sit behind the turbine? And it's not because they're evil, Narcissa and Bellatrix are perfectly nice to each other and have cutesy shortenings of each other's names for god's sake. Dumbledore asked Snape if he had grown to care for Harry. As (as stated by Rowling) Death Eaters can't usually conjure patronuses, he clearly didn't learn it from anyone there. For years, fans have wondered how the Potter family came to be so rich, especially given that Harry's parents, Lily and James, were only 21 when they were murdered by Lord Voldemort. Draco married the younger sister of a fellow Slytherin. Writing all this, I'm thinking of a Tiger? It seems very unlikely that Lily knew Severus true feelings towards her. And Though Snape is handed the truth about Sirius on a silver platter, his hatred of the wizard clouds his judgment, as Sirius was once his schoolyard rival. Press J to jump to the feed. James was most likely the type to take advantage of the weak and soft, so that could be why he was so strong, another thing is maybe with James being so strong, he felt he could bully Severus if he pleased and clearly, it left Severus traumatized as seen in the movie he got depressed when James started bullying him. If that were true, Harry would not have been able to stay hidden from the Dark Lord for all those months that he was on the run. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Here are all Patronus and some notable casters in Harry Potter. Fandom loves to say he was brainwashed; what if he was one of the ones brainwashing others? These deep, unchanging, and all-consuming feelings caused Severus Snape's Patronus to take on the exact same form as Lily Potter's Patronus. List Of Horcruxes And Their Destruction In The Harry Potter Movies - Moovy Scooby. 1 Professor Dumbledores Phoenix. And it truly felt right. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I didnt know that could happen. Dumbledore had tried to give the sword to Harry on his will but failed. These deep, unchanging, and all-consuming feelings caused Severus Snapes Patronus to take on the exact same form as Lily Potters Patronus. None of the main characters in Harry Potter have a black and white cat care!, Its different, said Lupin, barely moving his lips and looking The feeling of love does not have to be mutual for the Patronus to change shape. Therefore, once Snape knew where Harry was camping, he needed to create the conditions of need and valor for Harry to retrieve the sword. Nothing at the absolute top of its food chain. Rowling based animagus/patronus forms on symbolism. She doesnt Dumbledore was surprised that Snape seemed to care for the boy. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Though Dumbledore tells Harry that Snape protects him as a debt to James, he doesn't divulge anything further, and the enmity between Harry and Snape continues. When asked what shape Draco's Patronus Charm is, Rowling replied that, at least by the end of the sixth book, Draco was not capable of producing a Patronus, as it is not magic routinely taught at Hogwarts. Snape called Lily a Mudblood in reaction to being taunted and humiliated by James Potter while other students watched and cheered James on. LIST OF HORCRUXES AND THEIR DESTRUCTION IN THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES, Severus Snapes Patronus And Its Appearance In The Forest Of Dean, I am sure you remember how Harry ventured into the Forest of Dean in, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. when they found a Patronus in the shape of a doe. Upon their shared arrival at Hogwarts, Lily is furious at Snape for sabotaging her relationship with her sister, and matters only get worse from there. Keep reading to find out more about a man whos named suited him. It's very possible that his Patronus was always a doe since he met--and presumably liked--Lily before he started learning how conjure his own Patronuses. Snape was in love with Lily and cant move on because of his guilt. 4 *Lily Potters Doe. If Snape loved Lily, he would have done the same. Snape knew very well that Lilys patron saint was actually a doe. the reason she had come running to find Dumbledore when she had heard That's a wonderful explanation, and I also really picture Snape as a "pre-troll-in-the-bathroom" Hermione at school. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Far more likely, Dumbledore taught him that at some point while Severus was a teacher, i.e. As dlanod mentioned in his question: J.K. Rowling: [A] Patronus is used against things that the Death Eaters generally generate, or fight alongside. That baffles me, because surely Snape has used his patronus as a method of contactingif not the Order, at least Dumbledore himself. Ranked List: 30 Most Powerful Wizards and Witches in Harry Potter, Learn more about the Always quote meaning. But why was his Patronus the same as Lilys a doe? In other words, he was the potions genius who's been helping Harry excel at the art of potion-making all year. So why exactly does he cast a STAG, James Patronus, in Prisoner of Azkaban and Deathly Hallows? Why was Lilys Patronus a doe? We don't actually even know when Severus learned to conjure a patronus. Thank you! anyway. Founded by Albus Dumbledore to fight Lord Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, the Order lends its name to the fifth book of the series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . I do however agree that Dumbledore's reaction suggests that it used to be something else. These deep, unchanging, and all-consuming feelings caused Severus Snapes Patronus to take on the exact same form as Lily of Lupins robes and shaking them. Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! Snape, however, doesn't join the Order in this particular fight against Voldemort at the risk of exposing his cover as a double agent for Dumbledore. What more, that cloak was one of the Deathly Hallows. He did have some strange dreams, but nothing nightmarish. I am sure you remember how Harry ventured into the Forest of Dean in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 when they found a Patronus in the shape of a doe. However, it was also this same love for Lily that Snape chose to defend and protect Harry as well. This fact becomes especially obvious when Lily tells Severus that he is ungrateful towards James in The Princes Tale, and he replies that he wont let Lily think of James as a hero, losing his temper. Why werent Lily and James Patronus the same? Severus would never hear from Lily again, at least in this life. The feeling of love does not have to be mutual for the Patronus to change shape. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? Lilys intervention made him feel even more helpless and weak, causing him to slip. For years, fans have wondered how the Potter family came to be so rich, especially given that Harry's parents, Lily and James, were only 21 when they were murdered by Lord Voldemort. Snape was most likely aware that Lilys Patronus was in fact a doe. He chose to become a Death Eater. It is why he promised Dumbledore to protect Harry. Founded by Albus Dumbledore to fight Lord Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, the Order lends its name to the fifth book of the series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . Sure Snape was a smart wizard in his years at Hogwarts but as we all know he wasnt exactly good. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Severus Snapes Patronus was also a doe, which symbolized his love for Lily. Owing to this, Black could move in and out of these two portraits. In the Deathly Hallows, Harry is specifically led to the sword of Gryffindor by a doe, which is revealed to be Severus Snapes Patronus. If you think about it, Snape and Lily have been friends since pre-Hogwarts and Snape was always in love with her. Patronuses? Find out in todays video.Have you ever wondered why Snape and Lily have the same Patronus? This provided an opening for Molly to strike Bellatrix with a curse that hit her straight in the heart, killing her. This same Patronus led him to the frozen lake where Harry found the enchanted Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Snapes tears at the end of the book/movie dont mean that Severus Snape ever loved Harry Potter. Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. Dolores Umbridge's Patronus is a cat (see) . They continued to circle each other like wolves about to tear each other apart. James love for Lily was pure and genuine. Both loved Lily in different ways. I guess I thought it changed because of Dumbledore's suprise. WebWhat is Draco Malfoy Patronus? He already loved her when he was taught the patronus charm, so it very likely was never anything else. an outsider who ended up being a death eater because that's what he was raised to be by his family and his housemates. Snape served as a double agent for his entire life to protect Harry. Now, as firmly established, Snape was not the greatest fan of Harry, but that didnt mean that he ever stopped loving Lily. Simply put, a Patronus is an immensely difficult to cast, powerful magical protective shield. During the series, Draco is portrayed as a cunning, competent young wizard. Maira Farooq [ ] asked: What was Snape's original Patronus, the one before Lily's doe? My answer: To In the same live chat as mentioned above, Rowling also shared that Lily could have grown to love Snape romantically if he had chosen a different path, making it clear that Lily did not love Snape back. You I'd default to bat more than any other animal. It's especially bad since James has a penchant for bullying Snape. WebOne that Snape's Patronis was Lily's doe, still, after all that time, and two, that Snape's memory of Lily was so strong that it made it easy for Snape to be able to cast his with after all , And Ive told you a million times, said Lupin, refusing to meet her How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? He also learns that Snape's doe Patronus, after Lily's own Patronus, appeared to Harry in the woods and guided him towards Gryffindor's sword. Explained: How are Witchers Made? While Severus seems to have fallen for Lily quickly and hard, Lily approached their friendship cautiously and seems to have been mostly drawn to Snape because of his knowledge of the (to her) unknown magical world. There's really no reason that suddenly aligning yourself with Voldemort means you're incapable of producing a patronous; Umbridge was one of the most evil people and she could produce one. The female form of her husband's Patronus. Snape loved Lily Potter with all his heart for all his life. In fact, Harry sums it up quite nicely when he explains it to Voldemort: Snapes Patronus was a doe, said Harry, the same as my mothers, because he loved her for nearly all of his life, from the time when they were children.. Snape said so, Severus Snapes Patronus was also a doe, which symbolized his love for Lily. Yes, according to goblet of fire (book), when Harry was underneath the invisibility cloak at three broomsticks, Mad-eye was able to see through it. What did it change from? The female form of her husband's Patronus. If performed correctly, this spell projects the casters happiness into a shielding guardian against Azkabans Dementors. It took a moment for Lily to realize what it was. Lily had no romantic feelings towards Severus Snape. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. With a swish of his wand, Snape conjured up a Patronus) Lilys Patronus, a doe. So it seems odd that Dumbledore would be surprised that Snape's patronus is a doe - unless it had only recently altered. His Patronus is a dragon, since his name means dragon in Latin and he shows no particular fondness for any other creature. Just look at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban, or half of his interactions with Harry. Though Harry, Ron, and Hermione are convinced that Snape is working with Voldemort to try to steal the stone, it turns out that Professor Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, is the one actually searching for the magical item as he's possessed by the weak, bodiless spirit of the Dark Lord. And, in fact, Snape is working against him to protect Harry. As the Headmaster (or at least a teacher) when Snape was in school, you would think he would know what Snape's patronus was from the beginning. Snape was most likely aware that Lilys Patronus was in fact a doe. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! While all of this is going on, Snape's master is seeking out the Elder Wand, the wizarding world's most powerful wand and one of the legendary Deathly Hallows, to make sure he's undefeatable when the time comes to face off against Harry once and for all. See answer (1) Copy. Therefore, Snape's patronus is a bat.According to the Harry Potter Wiki of Remus, his patronus is a wolf. WebHowever, some notable witches and wizards have been seen using a Patronus, with many taking on special forms. How come Snape and Lily have the same patronus? Since the Patronus required happy thoughts, Severus drew on Lilys memories. Plus they are like owls for communication purposes in that they can be relatively easily traced. WebCHAPTER 37: Lily June 15th, 2002 [Severus Snape] Severus barely slept that all that night, doing nothing but tossing and turning where he lay tangled in his sheets. . not really relevant but just a note: Cissy and Bella are sisters and that's why they have the cutesy names. When Harry discovers Snapes memories with Dumbledore, Snape reveals his Patronus to Dumbledore. You should have realised, he said, as he saw 6 Kingsley Shacklebolt's Lynx. The ability to cast a corporeal Patronus, in that it takes on a distinct shape instead of fog or vapor, is considered the mark of a highly accomplished witch or wizard. 6 Kingsley Shacklebolts Lynx. He would not have been using it to communicate with the Order, IMO. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Explore more crossword clues and answers by clicking on the results or quizzes. Snape loved Lily Potter with all his heart for all his life. One such instance is when his Patronus appeared in the Forest of Dean and guided Harry towards the Sword of Gryffindor. There's really no evidence that he became a Death Eater because of his roommates. The cases are For example, why is Draco Malfoy acting weirder than normal? Snapes original patronus was a doe. Severus Snape, therefore, was a highly skilled wizard who still had enough good and benevolence within him to create the doe-shaped Patronus. It was his love for lily that kept him good and happy. How does the NLT translate in Romans 8:2? Curiously, his Patronus was a Doe, which is the same as Lilys. At the end of Harry's fourth year, after Voldemort officially returns, Snape returns to his former master at Dumbledore's orders. Sure he had Lily and that kept him on the right side of things but in reality he wouldnt have yet knew the Patronus. 7 Hobbit Meal Times & Common Foods They Eat. When the year draws to a close, Harry and Sirius come face to face, flanked by Ron, Hermione, and Lupin, and a shocking realization comes to light. However, of all of the characters in Harry Potter, few are as fascinating as Severus Snape, the Slytherin potions master who seems like one of the cruelest villains for nearly the entire series. Their friendship started with a mutual need for each other-. WebA non-corporeal Patronus can appear as 'a thin wisp of silver' that hovers 'like mist'. However, when the young bully corners a weakened Dumbledore, it seems like the wisened wizard is able to convince his terrified student to spare his life. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Snape loved Lily long before he was ever capable of casting a patronus, so I'm sure it would have manifested as her the first time he ever did it. Therefore, once Snape knew where Harry was camping, he needed to create the conditions of need and valor for Harry to retrieve the sword. said Mrs Weasley over Fleurs shoulder as she patted her on the back. It can't just be a coincidence that hers was a doe and James' was a stag. I don't ask for more than you can give she retorted. WebSnapes Patronus changed into a doe after Lily was murdered by Voldemort. Snape uses his doe Patronus to show Dumbledore that he never fell out of love with Lily, his childhood best friend. It was officially never known whether Snapes Patronus changed at any point, however, his happiest memories were those of Lily Evans. And that's whenSnape shows up and does the job himself. Even though the most gifted witches and wizards tend to struggle with producing a Patronus, Severus Snape who was interestingly half-blood was able to produce his own Patronus, which is a Doe. 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