striped skunk population by state

It can spray in any direction by twisting its rump toward the target. Length: 14.0 - 22.0 inches Tail: 4.5 - 9.0 inches Ears: 1.0 - 1.1 inches Weight: 0.75 - 2.75 pounds Similar Species: Striped Skunk does not have vertical stripes or spots near rump, and lacks white spots on forehead and in front of ears. A surfeit is the word for a group of skunks. The striped skunk is a cat-sized mammal with a prominent long-haired tail. Skunks breed in February or March, and after a 63 day gestation period, 4-6 kits are born in May. A strong market for fur-trimmed cloth coats developed in the late 1930s as our country recovered from the Great Depression. The spotted skunk is able to use its strong feet and claws to climb trees. The most common skunks in North America, striped skunks are terrestrial animals that can survive in a variety of habitats and land types. Population. The Winnebago people used the skunk to symbolize vanity, being beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside. Spotted skunks are more carnivorous than striped skunks, primarily feeding on small mammals, insects, eggs, and even carrion. An interesting side note is that house cats tolerate the presence of skunks. Skunks make a variety of sounds, including hisses, growls, squeals, soft coos and churrings. In the photo above, a striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is on left and a spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius) is on right. Eyes open when they are about 3 weeks old. The skunk connection in these genres may be due to the term "funk" being a term for strong odor. They prefer open areas with a variety of habitats and inhabit particularly mixed woodlands, brushy corners, and open fields interspersed with wooded ravines and rocky outcrops. Some stories try to explain its striped pattern or how it got its smell. Normally solitary, males and females get together for breeding in February and March. The skunk lives in a variety of habitats but prefers open areas. Probably the largest subspecies, similar to. The newborns are blind and deaf, and wont open their eyes for about three weeks. Skunk anal glands are responsible for the sulfur compounds that, when sprayed, form the pungent scent that is a skunks primary defense. Surprisingly, a skunk seldom sprays when caught in a foothold or box trap. Below, we have summarized the various classifications, monitoring, research, and contact information for each state alphabetically. Most striped skunks do not survive their first year, succumbing to the weather or disease. The most frequently consumed insects include grasshoppers, beetles, crickets, caterpillars, other insect larvae and bees. They have been observed living in wooded areas, deserts and plains, and have even adapted to urban and suburban environments. Reduce, reuse and recycle in that order! Black body, narrow white stripe on middle of the forehead, broad white area on nape that usually divides into a V at the shoulders. Striped skunks are omnivorous, opportunistic feeders. Striped skunks are natives of North America and occur from northern Mexico to southern Canada. Tail length averaged 8.7 (221 mm), ranging from 6.3 to 11.4 (159-290 mm) in the Eastern United States, and ranged from 7.9 to 11.0 (200-280 mm) in Wisconsin. Striped skunks are classified as unprotected species in Minnesota. The Striped skunk is similar in size to a normal house cat with a stout body, short legs, small head and a bushy tail. While the species plays an important role in insect control through its diet, the striped skunks reputation among humans is often based on its digging behavior, in search of food in lawns and gardens, and on its odoriferous interaction with curious dogs. Threats to striped skunks include severe weather, naturally occurring predation and disease, exposure to chemicals and other human activities. It is about the size of a house cat and has a potent musk that often overshadows the beauty of its glossy and durable fur. About the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Two New Striped Skunks Make Debut At Small Mammal House, A Quack-filled Roll Call: Meet the Ducks of the Bird House, #CheetahCubdate 7: How to Enrich and Train Cheetahs, New at the Zoo: Meet Our Gray Seal, Jo-Jo. New England and Middle Atlantic States; south to Virginia; west to Indiana. The period of gestation for the female Striped Skunks lies between 59-77 days. & Verts, B. J. Description: A medium-sized, stout-bodied mammal with a small head, short legs, and a prominent, bushy tail. Stink badgers are preyed upon by civets, cats, and humans. Cornfields are good feeding areas, where skunks forage for grasshoppers, grubs and beetles. For the Muscogee people, the skunk represented family loyalty and defense of loved ones. Striped skunks have black fur with a wide, white stripe from the head all the way down the back on the body. Go to Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Weight: 3.5 - 10.0 pounds. Skunks have been the most commonly confirmed rabies species, other than raccoons, during the spread of raccoon rabies throughout Southern New York. Frequently they leave evidence of their feeding: small, cone-shaped holes in the soil, pine needles, leaf duff or suburban lawns mark where they have dug for grubs. Phylogeography of striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in North America: Pleistocene dispersal and contemporary population structure. Male total length ranged from 24.8 to 29.9 (630-760 mm) in Minnesota, and female total length ranged from 21.2 to 25.6 (540-650 mm) in Minnesota. Other names include polecat and the French Canadian enfant du diable, or child of the devil.. Adults grow to be about 47 to 82 cm (about 18 to 32 inches) long and may weigh up to 6.3 kg (13 pounds). Conservation Ranks. . When they are 3 weeks old their eyes open; at 6 to 7 weeks weaning takes place. Length: Body--25 to 30 inches, tail--8 to 11 inches. [18] In the winter and spring months, the striped skunk will supplement its diet with vertebrates such as white-footed mice, voles, eggs and the chicks of ground nesting birds. Litters of 2-16 (usually 4-6) young are born in May or June. Many a farmer arrived to pour the dregs of the milk strainer into the cat dish and found that one of the cats had a broad tail and a characteristic white "V" across its back. By the late Pleistocene (70,00014,500 years ago), the striped skunk was widely distributed throughout the southern United States, and it expanded northwards and westwards by the Holocene (10,0004,500 years ago) following the retreat of the Wisconsin glacier. Its fur is intrinsically valuable, being durable and having rich luster, though this trait decreases with wear and exposure to sunlight. Young, called kits or kittens, are born helpless, with eyes opening at about 3 weeks and weaning occurring at 6 to 7 weeks. [5], The striped skunk was regularly eaten by trappers and indigenous peoples, provided the animal was not too old or had not sprayed before being killed. [14] This oily, yellow-colored musk consists of a mixture of powerfully odorous thiols (sulfur analogues of alcohols, in older sources called "mercaptans"), which can be sprayed at a distance of several meters. Occurrence estimates were calculated from species-specific distribution models fit using expert-opinion data and generalized linear mixed modeling. Rosatte, R. & Lawson, S. (2003). For day retreats (resting cover), they use hayfields, pastures, fencerows and brushy borders of waterways. NRRI Duluth[emailprotected] They have a small, white stripe on their forehead which splits and expands down the sides of its back. They are native to the United States and Canada. Striped Skunk on The IUCN Red List site -. Striped Skunks become sexually mature when they are approximately ten months old. Spotted skunks are generally less tolerant of humans than the striped skunk (Henderson 1976). Habitat: They occur in a variety of habitats in both rural and urban areas, but tend to prefer forest borders, brushy field corners, fencerows, open grassy fields, rocky outcrops, and agricultural fields. Where To Find This page is available in other languages. Because skunks are difficult to kill without having them discharge their musk (and thus ruin their fur) they were typically dispatched with a paralyzing blow to the lower back or drowned if caught in a box trap. Juvenile skunks are capable of spraying at 8 days old, around two weeks before their eyes open. Skunks are vulnerable to a variety of internal and external parasites. The specific pattern of the stripes on the head, body and tail can vary among individuals, and is accompanied by a thin, white stripe running from the snout to forehead. Come spring, striped skunk males will mate with several females during late February through early March. [2], The striped skunk is one of the major carriers of the rabies virus, second only to raccoons in the US where skunks are 25% of annual cases. Prairie region of Illinois, western Indiana, and eastern Iowa. For this reason, it is not wise to feed a house cat outside your home after dark. Protect local waterways by using fewer pesticides when caring for your garden or lawn. The the striped skunk in Tennessee is the most commone and it occurs state-wide. In fall and winter, skunks eat fruit such as wild grapes and cherries; small mammals such as moles, mice, voles and shrews; plant items such as grasses, leaves and buds; mast and carrion. The striped skunk is one of the most recognizable of North America's animals, and is a popular figure in cartoons and children's books. [6], The striped skunk was first formally named by Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber as Viverra mephitis. Of the 3 skunks that underwent necropsy on 3 dpi, 2 had infectious virus in the turbinates but not in other tissues tested. Skunks eat honeybees and wasps and often attack beehives. Its body is often mostly black, with white occurring in a narrow blaze up the middle of its forehead. The mating season usually occurs between mid-February to mid-April, though it is delayed at higher latitudes. Striped Skunk Commonly referred to as polecats, striped skunk are about the size of domestic house cats, measuring 21-28 inches in total length and weighing from 3-11 pounds. While the mammals have adapted to a wide range of environments, they prefer habitat with a variety of woodlands and open fields, which means they can also be found in both rural and suburban settings. [19] Striped skunks inhabiting California's coastal areas will feed on crabs and beached fish. Spotted skunks were common around farms, and state harvest peaked at 19,400 in 1946, before populations plummeted. Photo by Smithsonian Wild. 3 of 8 Its numbers usually decline as abandoned fields and pastures become forested. Shores of Puget Sound and coastal region of Washington and northern Oregon. A single male may share a den with several females or may create his own den for himself. The striped skunk is a mostly nocturnal omnivore. After a gestation period of 59 to 77 days, a litter of two to ten skunks is born. (females slightly smaller). This type of regulatory protection has been successful. Striped skunks are common throughout their range. A skunks smelly spray can reach up to ten feet, and be detected for up to 2.4 km (1.5 mi). Habitat: This striped skunk caught a vole. (1982). The eyes open after around three weeks, and are weaned after 4256 days. Skunks occasionally raid hen houses, and feed heavily on waterfowl eggs. With twelve recognized subspecies, it ranges from southern Canada to northern Mexico, including most of the continental United States. Weight: Between 3 and 10 pounds. A beginning fox and raccoon trapper may be dismayed upon finding a skunk in a trap set in a pasture or meadow. They occasionally receive mice, eggs, nuts and select fruits as well. Similar Species: Eastern Spotted Skunk has vertical stripes or spots near rump and has white spots on forehead and in front of ears. Skunk dens have 1-5 well-hidden entrances, and end in 1-3 rooms lined with vegetation. Its narrow face has a pointed snout, and small round ears. Gestation is for around 59 to 77 days, starting with delayed implantation that can be as long as 19 days. Like the more glamorous members of the weasel family, the skunk also has glossy and durable fur that can be dyed uniformly black for exquisite garment trimming. A skunks pelt is composed of soft, wavy underfur overlain with long, coarse guard hairs. Confident. Skunks are a major reservoir for rabies and other parasites. Without doubt, the most widely recognized characteristic of the Striped skunk is the pungent odor of the musk that it produces. Cases of rabies in this species are generally epizootic and recurrent. Striped skunks are found in a variety of habitats from southern Canada throughout the United States into northern Mexico. Skunks are the primary hosts in the north- and south-central United States as well as in Canada. Skunks are also popular characters in children's stories, comics and cartoons, most notably the Warner Bros character Pep Le Pew and the Disney character Flower of the 1942 animated film Bambi, their musky odor making them a source of fear and ostracization. The Spotted Skunk population also appears to have reached a plateau. The markings can be highly variable, with some striped skunks appearing almost all white or all black. They typically use underground dens which can be in grassy banks, rocky crevices, or along fencerows, although sometimes they use aboveground dens including barns, woodpiles, haystacks, or rock or brush piles. Size : Total length: 20-30 inches; tail length: 7-15 inches; weight: 2-11 pounds. It is found all across the state. Regionally, skunk harvest plummeted from peaks in the 1970s and 1980s. 3001 Connecticut Ave., NW The white markings are usually very broad. The common striped skunk is found from central Canada southward throughout the United States to northern Mexico. The chemical makeup of skunk musk varies by species, but each version contains compounds called thiols that are responsible for the foul smell. [2] Like all skunks, they possess highly developed musk-filled scent glands to ward off predators. New Hanover. Striped skunks are typically found at elevations below 5,900 feet (1,800 meters). They have an average overall length of between 21 and 27 inches. One of the most notable characteristics of this animal is its defense system; striped skunks have the ability to spray a foul smelling fluid from two glands located near the base of the tail. The striped skunk can be a difficult neighbor because of its fearlessness and effective weaponry. After mating, the female no longer associates with the male and becomes aggressive towards him through vocalizing, stamping her feet and sometimes fighting. Other mortality factors are diseases such as pneumonia, distemper, pulmonary aspergillosis, tularemia, brucellosis and rabies; highway kills, starvation and trapping. Young striped skunks reach sexual maturity at about 10 months. Spraying an offending creature typically occurs after a warning display, which involves the skunk stomping its feet and arching its back while raising its tail. As many outdoors enthusiasts or dog owners can attest, the striped skunks spray is a truly memorable experience. Often, a skunk will use an abandoned woodchuck burrow, although if none are available it will dig its own. Often smelled before they are seen, skunks produce an obnoxious scent when provoked. The species commonly found in Pennsylvania is the striped skunk. They are also host for the canine parvovirus and may also suffer from leptospirosis. [10], The striped skunk may dig its own dens, though it will appropriate those abandoned by other animals should the opportunity present itself. Striped skunks are polygamous omnivores with few natural predators, save for birds of prey. Using fertilizers sparingly, keeping storm drains free of litter and picking up after your pet can also improve watershed health. [11] Prior to the First World War, skunk pelts were primarily shipped to Europe until better methods of deodorizing and processing the skins lead to increased interest in selling them for North American consumption. Two subsequent subclades were formed during the Sangamonian interglacial on either side of the Sierra Nevada. Community dens have been found containing 12 or more skunks, mostly females and young. The striped skunk has a white stripe that starts at the top of its head, splits at the neck, and extends down each side of its body. Its active ingredient is a sulphide called mercaptan. 2012. The most distinguishing characteristic is a skunk's ability to direct a stream or spray of musk as far as 10 feet from paired anal glands. Striped skunks are largely nocturnal, medium-sized omnivores in the weasel family (Mustelidae). Like all skunks, they possess highly developed musk-filled scent glands to ward off predators. The eastern spotted skunk, also known as the civet cat, reaches its northernmost limit in the northcentral United States. Skunks forage at night or at dawn for a variety of foods including berries, grasses, nuts, and other vegetable material, as well as worms, insects, grubs and the nestlings of birds, mice and cottontail rabbits. These dens are normally used only in late fall, winter, and early spring, while females with unweaned kits make use of them in late spring and summer. Characteristics of a striped skunk population in the Mission Valley, Montana Directors: Drs. This bustling skunk habitat spans as far west as Emerald Ranch before dispersing toward the state borders. This happens in early fall because skunks search for cubby holes to spend the winter. In the Eastern United States however, the spotted skunk extends north only to southwestern Pennsylvania. Skunks are nocturnal solitary animals and forage and hunt in the evening. Length: 20.0 - 30.0 inches Striped Skunk. Skunks are armed with a potent defensive weapon: a pair of large scent glands found beneath the skin on either side of the rectum. It also suggested that the decline in Plains Spotted Skunk harvest was due to decline in fur prices (Reports from 1951). During winter for extended periods, they are inactive but they do not truly hibernate. Eastern spotted skunk on the Appalachian Trail. Confidence. In Kansas, the striped skunk is recognized as a leading rabies vector, often accounting for 80 percent of more of the animals that test positive for the disease each year. Regionally, skunk harvest plummeted from peaks in the 1970s and 1980s. Striped skunks mate in February and early March. But the omnivorous striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis)New England's only native By November, young of the year are as large as adults. They are found in every county of Ohio as well as throughout the United States. Alabama Arkansas Colorado Florida Georgia Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska The Striped skunk is threatened by predation, disease, environmental conditions (such as a severe winter or a drought), chemicals, human activities, diseases like rabies and the associated control programs. These grades are further subdivided in value according to their locality, with the most valuable occurring in northern regions, where the fur is finer and darker. (females slightly smaller) Lifespan: Up to 7 years in the wild. They move at a deliberate walk, slow trot or clumsy gallop. The most common skunks in North America, striped skunks are terrestrial animals that can survive in a variety of habitats and land types. Striped skunks live throughout North America from southern Canada into northern Mexico. Females give birth in May, often in woodchuck burrows, to an average litter of six. The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is a skunk of the genus Mephitis that occurs across much of North America, including southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. The Great Horned Owl is the chief predator of skunks; the skunk's odor does not seem to deter them. At birth, striped skunks weigh less than an ounce. The central chamber is lined with dry grass and leaves. It has sharp claws on its front webbed feet that it will use to dig for grubs, worms, and reptiles or amphibians, and that can aid them climbing trees in search of food. Makeup of skunk musk varies by species, other insect larvae and...., before populations plummeted to Indiana, they possess highly developed musk-filled scent glands to ward predators! 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