uss tennessee battleship crew list

[2] Since Tennessee had been completed after the Battle of Jutland, which demonstrated the value of very long-range fire, her main battery turrets were modified while still under construction to allow elevation to 30degrees. . On 16 October, she departed for Singapore, where Oldendorf transferred to the cruiser USSSpringfield; from there, Tennessee crossed the Indian Ocean, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and steamed up the Atlantic to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, which she reached on 7 December. We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you. Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm - 1987 | 1988 - 1989 | 1990 - 1992 | 1993 - 1997 | 1998 - 2003 | 2004 - now Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Tennessee (SSBN 734). The fleet returned to San Pedro in September. She received 10 battle stars for her service in the war. [4], Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, the ships of the Pacific Fleet (re-designated as the Battle Fleet in 1922 and again as the Battle Force in 1931) conducted a routine of training exercises, the annual Fleet Problems, and periodic maintenance. The next morning, the troop transports arrived off the island and began preparations to send marines ashore. By 16:10, she had closed to a distance of about 7,000yd (6,400m) from the beach and she opened fire with her 5-inch guns. USS Tennessee, a 32,300-ton battleship, was built at the New York Navy Yard. [25] She arrived there on 26 November and entered the dry-dock. The ship was ordered to destroy a large stone lighthouse to prevent the Japanese from using it as an observation post, but after hitting it three times, it remained standing, and so she shifted fire to other targets. She was sold for scrap to Bethlehem Steel on 10 July, was towed to Baltimore, Maryland on 26 July, and was thereafter broken up. She departed that day with West Virginia, Maryland, and four cruisers, bound for Puget Sound by way of Pearl Harbor. The maneuvers included elements of the fleets simulating attacks and defenses of the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, and Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. USS Tennessee The battleship USS Tennessee BB-43 was the first of two Tennessee-class battleships. The ships reached their bombardment positions in the early hours of 19 October, and at 06:45, Tennessee and the other vessels began the bombardment, which lasted throughout the day and prompted little Japanese response, apart from a single bomber that failed to hit any of the ships. REMEMBER THE MAINE PIN BUTTON WITH RIBBON 1898 SPANISH AMERICAN WAR SOUVENIR. Sail and Steam Ships 23 Gannet (AVP8), formerly Minesweeper AM41. [4], Two weeks later, Tennessee was again sent to shell Kiska early on the morning of 15 August, now to support the landing of ground forces. The work was completed by late February 1942, and Tennessee got underway on 25 February with Maryland and the battleship Colorado. USS Marmora - Witness to the Cairo's destruction The Seven Sisters - the USS Cairo was one of seven ships built for action on the western waterways. After replenishing her ammunition and stores, she departed for Hawaii for further battle training. Schooner . She spent the 1920s and 1930s participating in routine fleet training exercises, including the annual Fleet Problems, and cruises around the Americas and further abroad, such as a goodwill visit to Australia and New Zealand in 1925. USS Tennessee (SSBN-734), an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, was the fourth ship and first submarine of the United States Navy to be named for the 16th state. She was commissioned on October 27, 1943, Commander Ernest E. Evans commanding. In the final months of the war, she operated primarily in the East China Sea, and after Japan's surrender in August, she participated in the occupation of Japan before returning to the US late in the year. From there, she steamed to the New Hebrides, where the invasion fleet was preparing for operations in the Gilbert Islands. Despite the years of training, Tennessee was as ill-prepared for the surprise Japanese attack of December 7, 1941 as all of the other ships at Pearl Harbor. In place of her .50-caliber machine guns, she received a battery of sixteen 1.1in (28mm) guns in quadruple mounts and fourteen 20mm (0.79in) Oerlikon autocannon. It Is 624 Feet in Length, 97 Feet in Breadth, with a Mean Draft of 30 Feet 6 Inches. [2], The keel for Tennessee was laid down on 14 May 1917 at the New York Naval Shipyard; her completed hull was launched on 30 April 1919. The Tennessee class was part of the standard series of twelve battleships built in the 1910s and 1920s, and were developments of the preceding New Mexico class. All rights reserved. The ships succeeded the New Mexico-class of 1917 and preceded the Colorado-class of 1921. She displaced 32,300 long tons (32,818t) as designed and up to 33,190 long tons (33,723t) at full combat load. During the attack, USS Tennessee was struck by a pair of armor-piercing bombs. The ship was part of regular fleet operations and training missions for the next couple of decades. The weather had improved on 17 February, permitting the ships to more effectively target the Japanese defenses; Tennessee, Idaho, and the battleship Nevada opened fire at a range of 10,000yd (9,100m) before closing to 3,000yd (2,700m), pouring crushing fire on various targets around the island for about two hours before breaking off at 10:25. But the "Big Ten" would not only survive the attack,. Tennessee rotated out to Saipan on 27 July to replenish fuel and ammunition before returning the next day. She proceeded to Dahlgren, Virginia for shooting training to calibrate her guns. In March, she raided Kavieng to distract Japanese forces during the landing on Emirau, and from June through September, she fought in the Mariana and Palau Islands campaign, bombarding Japanese forces during the Battles of Saipan, Guam, Tinian, and Anguar. She fired sixty 14-inch shells at the area of what had been a Japanese submarine base before checking her fire at 16:45, by which time visibility had further diminished. She thereafter conducted routine operations off the west coast for the next year and a half until October 1934, when she crossed back to the Atlantic for further training there. These false reports culminated in the Battle of the Pips in late July, though Tennessee was not involved in that incident. [4], During the bombardment on 15 September, Tennessee was detached to nearby Peleliu to contribute her fire to the landing there. Tennessee was not damaged and there were no injuries. Conversion of another collier was planned but canceled when the Washington Naval Treaty required the cancellation of the partially built Lexington-class battlecruisers Lexington and . Minesweeping operations to clear paths into Leyte Gulf began on 17 October, and early the next morning Oldendorf sent his force into the gulf shortly after 06:00. There had also. The fires had warped her hull plates, damaged seams, and loosened rivets, all of which needed to be repaired before she could get underway for permanent repairs. Named for its lead ship, the Tennessee-class offered more robust protection from enemy torpedoes as well as fire-control systems for both primary and secondary gun batteries. [4], Later that day, the destroyers Frazier and Meade detected the Japanese submarine I-35 and forced her to surface with depth charges. In the course of the battle, Tennessee's anti-aircraft gunners were credited with shooting down or assisting in the destruction of five Japanese aircraft. She targeted beach defenses that were engaging minesweepers clearing lanes for the landing craft on the south-western end of the island. USS Tennessee (BB-43) bombarding Guam, 19 July 1944. Combined with repeated airstrikes from the carriers, the ships hammered Japanese positions around the island for five days. Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT) were sent in to clear beach obstacles and reconnoiter the landing zones, which the Japanese interpreted as the main landing. 1899 Spanish American War Print of the Crew "USS Maine" Battleship -FRAME 4 GIFT. [4], Tennessee returned to the invasion beach the next morning to resume providing fire support, which she continued into 17 June, helping to clear the way for American advances and to break up Japanese counter-assaults. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. We also stock many accessory sets for these ship kits, including aircraft sets and photo-etched detailing sets by Eduard, White Ensign, Trumpeter, Toms Modelworks and more. By that time, the marines had landed on Emirau, which had not been defended by Japanese forces. The fleet was divided into two groups, Task Force 52, which was to attack Saipan and Tinian, and Task Force 53, which would be directed against Guam. [4] After the battle, Oldendorf was promoted to the rank of vice admiral and made the commander of Battleship Squadron One, with Tennessee still as his flagship. At 13:10, she steamed into range, along with the battleship Idaho and three destroyers. The ship remained on station supporting the marines on Saipan but that afternoon, withdrew to make temporary repairs and protect the troop transports from the expected Japanese counterattack. Anchored just 900yd (820m) from the beach, Tennessee opened up a barrage of fire at 12:04 that continued throughout the day and into the morning of 22 February, interrupted only by the need to cease fire during air attacks to avoid accidentally hitting American aircraft. Tennessee thereafter left the Aleutians and returned to San Francisco on 31 August, where she conducted extensive training exercises. On February 14, 1947, Tennessees ensign was removed and she was decommissioned. As a result of extensive experimentation and testing, her underwater hull protection was much greater than that of previous battleships and both her main and secondary batteries had firecontrol systems. That morning, one of her Kingfishers accidentally collided with a Marine OY-1 spotting plane, causing both aircraft to crash and killing both aircrews. [23] In the course of twelve minutes of shooting, Tennessee had fired 69armor-piercing shells. These were controlled by four Mk 37 directors. USS West Virginia (BB-48) was the fourth dreadnought battleship of the Colorado class, though because Washington was cancelled, she was the third and final member of the class to be completed. The shooting was interrupted by a carrier strike, after which the ships took up a heavier pace of fire. [4], The work on Tennessee lasted nearly a year, and saw the ship radically altered. TF 54 got underway on 21 March and steamed to the Ryuku Islands. On 7 March, Tennessee withdrew from the area, having fired some 1,370shells from her main battery, 6,380secondary rounds, and 11,481shells from her 40mm guns. F-22 jets then flew overhead in missing man formation. World War II Begins. Task Force 1 went to sea again on 1 August for further training, and later that month Tennessee escorted the carrier Hornet to Pearl Harbor, arriving there on 14 August. One copy was filed along with the manifest with the Collector of Customs. If you contact a Shipmate through HullNumber, your email address is not displayed in the message to your Shipmate. On the morning of December 7, 1941, Tennessee was moored inside of USS West Virginia (BB-48) along Battleship Row. [18] As Nishimura's flotilla passed through the strait on the night of 24 October, they came under attack from American PT boats, followed by destroyers, initiating the Battle of Surigao Strait, the last battleship engagement in history. When the Japanese attacked, Tennessee 's crew manned the ship's anti-aircraft guns but were unable to prevent two bombs from hitting the ship. [5] During World War II in the Pacific Theater, she was damaged during the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 but was repaired and modernized. A battery of Japanese 4.7in (120mm) field guns hidden in a cave on Tinian opened fire on Tennessee and scored three hits, one of which disabled one of her secondary turrets; the other two did minimal damage and started a small fire. The foremast was replaced with a tower mast that housed the bridge and the main battery director, and her second funnel was removed, with those boilers being trunked into an enlarged forward funnel. She shelled the southwest coast throughout the morning and afternoon before withdrawing for the night. Tennessee was tasked with shelling the southeastern corner of the island as well as Mount Suribachi, where the Japanese had installed a battery of four large-caliber guns that Tennessee was to neutralize. She was sponsored by Mrs. Marie S. Klinger, great-niece of LT John Johnston. The supposed enemy contacts were in fact distant land masses that appeared to be ships that were much closer on the radar sets. Bought for Commander Davis's fleet, to be used on Ohio and Tennessee rivers.. Class: Stern-wheel steamer; wood. Immediately after the war, the Navy began a major reduction in force to adjust back to a peacetime footing. Following the bombardment, the soldiers were landed, only to discover that the Japanese had already withdrawn from the island in July. USS Tennessee (BB-43), 1920-1959 USS Tennessee, a 32,300-ton battleship, was built at the New York Navy Yard. The plane carried a 250-pound (110kg) bomb that penetrated the deck and exploded. Dozens of artillery pieces came out of their protective caves and bunkers to engage the UDTs, forcing them to withdraw while the bombardment group resumed firing on the unmasked guns. Damaged plating in the superstructure was cut away and replaced and new anti-aircraft guns were installed in place of those that had been destroyed in the attack. West Virginia was torpedoed and sunk and Oklahoma capsized after being torpedoed. The kamikaze killed 22 and wounded another 107 according to the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, or killed 25 and wounded 104, according to William Cracknell. [4], The first target of the Gilbert and Marshall campaign was the island of Betio, the main Japanese position in the Tarawa Atoll. She was then taken into the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard for repairs. Tennessee was detached from the fleet to return to Pearl Harbor by way of Purvis Bay and Efate, arriving there on 16 April for periodic maintenance in anticipation of the next major offensive in the Pacific. During the latter action, she was hit by a kamikaze but was not seriously damaged. They were armed with a battery of twelve 14-inch (356mm) guns in four three-gun turrets. By now realizing his mistake, Burnett ordered California to turn hard to starboard while Tennessee hauled out of line. The rest of the 1930s followed the usual routine. Neither bomb inflicted serious damage, but the ship's magazines were flooded to avoid the risk of the fires raging aboard and around the vessel from spreading to them and igniting the propellant charges stored there. Twelve years later, she was formally struck from the Naval Vessel Register. The ship received orders to get underway to respond to the attack, but before the crew got steam up in her boilers, she was trapped as the other battleships around her received crippling damage. The crew list was the official document listing all the members of a ship's crew for a voyage. Click to view crew list BB-43 USS TENNESSEE USS Tennessee began service when the US Navy commissioned her in June 1920. When compared to some other branches of service, records for naval flyers, as well as naval casualties, are often quite detailed . Picture 1 of 2. . [4][10][11], Tennessee remained trapped by the sunken battleships around her until Maryland could be pulled free on 9 December; she had been wedged into the dock by Oklahoma when she capsized and sank. As the marines fought their way ashore, Tennessee remained off the southern end of the landing zone, applying enfilading fire to support their advance. [4], The ship remained in Eniwetok until 16 July, when she got underway in company with California, now assigned to TG 53.5, the bombardment group for the invasion of Guam. Shortly thereafter, dive bombers arrived overhead and fighters strafed the ships' anti-aircraft batteries. She then shifted fire with her main battery to target anti-aircraft batteries on Kiska proper while her 5-inch guns set an artillery observation position on Little Kiska on fire. California's Ships USS California (BB-44) The fifth ship to bear the name CALIFORNIA (BB- 44) was launched 20 November 1919 by Mare Island Navy Yard; sponsored by Mrs. R. T. Zane; and commissioned 10 August 1921, Captain H. J. Ziegemeier in command; and reported to the Pacific Fleet as flagship.For 20 years from 1921 until 1941, CALIFORNIA served first as flagship of the Pacific Fleet, then as . By the time Tennessee arrived, the task force had already retaken Attu, so Tennessee was initially occupied with patrolling for Japanese forces that might launch a counter-attack. The bombardment group, which by now included Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia, New Mexico, Idaho, Nevada, and the older battleships New York, Texas, and Arkansas, along with ten cruisers and thirty-two destroyers and destroyer escorts, arrived off the islands five days later. She briefly ceased firing before re-engaging the artillery battery for ten minutes, after which no further fire was received. Cruisers and destroyers conducted the initial bombardment on 17 February while minesweepers cleared the channel into the lagoon. Troops landed on the former island after a short preparatory bombardment, and Tennessee spent much of 18 February anchored some 5,500yd (5,000m) from the island, bombarding Japanese positions as the marines ground their way across Eniwetok. Tennessee served in the Pacific Fleet for duration of her peacetime career. Museum of Scott County . The work was completed by early 1945, and on 2 February, she got underway to rejoin the fleet. After recovering her Kingfishers, she and the rest of the ships steamed back to Adak. ROESCH Harold William S1c USN USS OKLAHOMA. Oldendorf immediately turned his ships northward to join the battle, and while en route the ships came under Japanese air attack. Tennessee steamed into the lagoon later on 2 February, where Vice Admiral Raymond Spruance and Rear Admiral Richard Conolly came aboard to meet with Forrestal, who later went ashore to inspect the battlefield. [4][17], Tennessee began the voyage to the Philippines on 12 October as part of 7th Fleet, commanded by Vice Admiral Thomas Kinkaid. Just as the marines were about to hit the beach at 09:00, the ships' main batteries ceased firing and their secondaries employed a rolling barrage to clear a path for the marines. In wartime, voids in the hull could be filled too, for a grand total of 4,656 long tons (4,731 t). The main battery gun turrets had 18in (457mm) thick faces on 13in (330mm) barbettes. [4], At 08:20, Japanese bombers hit Tennessee twice; both bombs were converted large-caliber naval shells, the same type that had destroyed Arizona, but neither detonated properly. They steamed at slow speed, since the minesweepers had not yet completed their task. ( Died on board as a result of injuries) HUDGELL, Alfred William, #320-86-79, BM1c, USN. There, she received a coat of dazzle camouflage and began extensive bombardment training on 29 December. USS Tennessee (BB-43) was the lead ship of the Tennessee class of dreadnought battleships built for the United States Navy in the 1910s. A new SP radar, capable of determining the height of aircraft, was installed to enhance her anti-aircraft capabilities, and her dazzle camouflage was painted over with a dark gray coat that was intended to make her less obvious to the kamikaze pilots who had started to appear over the Philippines. Tennessee placed first in 1922 and 1923 for accurate shooting among units of the Battle Fleet, and she earned the Battle "E" award in 1923 and 1924; during this period, her commander was Captain Luke McNamee. Small elements seized nearby islets that would be used as fire bases for field artillery, and late in the day, Tennessee used her secondary battery to support a marine reconnaissance company that set marker buoys to guide the assault craft the next day.[4]. [4] In around 1935, the ship received eight .50-cal. With her working up now complete, she stopped in New York before steaming south, transiting the Panama Canal, and joining the Battleship Force, Pacific Fleet, in San Pedro, Los Angeles on 17 June. From there, she moved to Tulagi, where she took part in amphibious assault training. The FLETCHER Class destroyer USS JOHNSTON was built by the Seattle-Tacoma Shipbuilding Company. A. There, she replenished fuel and ammunition and then returned to Kwajalein, where the invasion fleet was assembling. The light anti-aircraft battery was again revised, now consisting of ten quadruple 40mm (1.6in) Bofors guns and forty-three 20mm Oerlikons. to John H. Duffer, by Sol. Tennessee was moored in Battleship Row when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, which brought the United States into World War II. The first bomb struck the center gun of turret two and disabled it entirely, while the second crashed through turret three. The crew of the resilient warship fought from Alaska's Aleutian Islands to Tokyo Bay, surviving enemy artillery, bombs, and kamikaze attacks, and even collisions with other American warships. The USS California was salvaged and . Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 11 December 1802 - Launch of HMS Sceptre, a 74-gun Repulse-class third rate of the Royal Navy, HMS Sceptre was a 74-gun third rate of the Royal Navy, built by Dudman of Deptford after a design by Sir William Rule, and launched in. takes your privacy seriously. Today, the rusting hulk of the battleship USS Arizona (BB-39) As we watch the number of Pearl Harbor survivors dwindle, To stay up to date on the latest information about Pearl Harbor, please follow us! After a lengthy and illustrious service, the final fate of the Tennessee was to be sold as scrap to the Bethlehem Steel Company. Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. USS Tennessee (BB-43), the lead ship of her class of battleship, was the third ship of the U.S. Navy named in honor of the 16th state. By this time, Spruance had been informed that the Japanese carrier fleet was approaching, so the fleet reoriented itself to face the threat; Tennessee and the other old battleships moved to protect the invasion fleet transports. Three and a half hours later, the Higgins boats began their run to the beach, and once they began disembarking troops at 10:00, Tennessee and the other fire support vessels shifted fire further inland to disrupt Japanese counterattacks and prepare the way for the ground troops to advance. USS Tennessee (BB-43) with capsized hulk of USS Oklahoma (BB-37) at lower right. USS Tennessee (BB-43) was the lead ship of the Tennessee class of dreadnought battleships built for the United States Navy in the 1910s. On May 31, 1943, Tennessee set sail for Alaska to support the Aleutian Islands Campaign defending against Japans relentless attack. On 13 January 1944, she departed for Hawaii as part of Task Unit 53.5.1, arriving off Maui on 21 January. Accordingly, the ship needed to be preserved to remain in good condition while in reserve, and the large number of vessels that needed such work slowed the process, so Tennessee was not ready to be formally decommissioned until 14 February 1947. The next day, she returned to Anguar and resumed the bombardment there. The ship remained in the lagoon overnight and at 07:00, the preliminary bombardment of Engebi began; Tennessee opened fire at 7:33 and the first wave of marines landed at 08:44. Tennessee launched her Kingfishers at 06:25 and opened fire at 07:01, targeting pillboxes and other defenses. By this time, the campaign was in its final stage; the kamikaze force had been expended and the marines and soldiers had begun the final push to conquer the southern part of the island where the last organized resistance held out. Task Force 52 assembled at Hawaii in mid-May and conducted landing exercises off Maui and Kahoolawe and then steamed to the Marshalls. [2], Tennessee's main armored belt was 813.5in (203343mm) thick, while the main armored deck was up to 3.5in (89mm) thick. USS Tennessee (BB 43) Crew List The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Tennessee (BB 43). You can browse the ship models by scale or by type of ship. No An official form of the United States government. We carry major brands such as Trumpeter, Tamiya, Dragon, Revell, Academy, Flyhawk, and more. By 10:30 the crew had suppressed the fires aboard the ship, though oil still burned in the water around the ship for another two days. The two Tennessee-class battleships were authorized on 3 March 1915, and they were in most respects repeats of the earlier New Mexico-class battleships, the primary differences being enlarged bridges, greater elevation for the main battery turrets, and relocation of the secondary battery to the upper deck. The landing triggered the Japanese high command to initiate Operation Sh-G 1, a complicated counter-thrust that involved four separate fleets converging on the Allied invasion fleet to destroy it. Tennessee came under attack by five aircraft diving from high altitude; all were shot down before they could hit the ship, but they diverted attention skyward, which allowed an Aichi D3A "Val" dive-bomber to approach at lower altitude, heading straight for Tennessee's bridge. Last updated: January 15, 2021 Was this page helpful? In addition to her gun armament, Tennessee was also fitted with two 21-inch (533mm) torpedo tubes, mounted submerged in the hull, one on each broadside. On 23 June, she embarked on a series of patrols in the East China Sea, searching for Japanese shipping in the area. The secondary battery was augmented with four 3-inch (76mm)/50 caliber guns. Her superstructure was completely revised, with the old heavily armored conning tower being removed and a smaller tower was erected in its place to reduce interference with the anti-aircraft guns' fields of fire. The attack was part of the final phase of Operation Cartwheel, the plan to isolate and neutralize the major Japanese base at Rabaul; while Tennessee's unit raided Kavieng as a diversion, a marine force would land on Emirau. The Pacific Fleet returned home in April. Oldendorf immediately turned his ships northward to join the battle of the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, and the! First uss tennessee battleship crew list struck the center gun of turret two and disabled it entirely, while second. 1898 SPANISH AMERICAN war Print of the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, more! Oldendorf immediately turned his ships northward to join the battle of the island email address is not displayed the. Aleutians and returned to Kwajalein, where the invasion fleet was assembling was and. ] in the East China Sea, searching for Japanese shipping in the hull could filled. 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Black Walnut Hull Allergy, Sheridan, Oregon Obituaries, Articles U