what would your superpower be interview question

If this question was which superhero would you be I would definitely be Spiderman, I mean who wouldn't kill to go flying around like . It would also come in handy when I'm floating my homemade cookies to my colleagues in the office. She says that all the most successful people she's met have been able to answer this question immediately: John Maeda, who led the MIT Media Lab and Rhode Island School of Design, responded with "curiosity.". Not every idea you introduce in the workplace will be a winner, and not every joke you tell will be funny. Questions about past mistakes are some of the toughest and trickiest interview questions to answer. It by focuses on our strengths and telling others about them, creates positive . If you could have a superpower? advice we give out and probably thanks in part to the sheer number of articles weve got in this section! Beyond completing this task it has continued to spark off a few thoughts. Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Notice: It is important also to note that Interview Newbie is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. Certain job interview questions might come across as weird or unexpected, and one question that has been known to pop up from time to time is, If you could choose one superhero power, what would it be and whyThis type of question is asked to see how well you think on your feet and if you can be creative. Ultimately, it doesnt really matter what specific power you giveRelate the power you want to how it would apply to you doing your jobRelate the power to your personalityTry to be uniqueHaving super strength or the ability to fly would certainly come in handy in a number of situations, but those are pretty common answers. My superpower would be to make people laugh. Here are some examples: Super speed: You have the strength, endurance, and resilience to face challenges. Touching the never-ending sky and crossing it has always been . Desired superpower: Invulnerability to projectile weapons. That would be nice. So feel free to show off your funny/creative side! Related ContentPoints to EmphasizeIf the topic of superhero powers comes up, feel free to have some fun with your response. Your answer will give the interviewer a chance to see what you believe and value and what are the different things that you can bring to their company that other candidates cant. They trust your intentions because they believe you won't do anything to intentionally try to harm them. I have been able to keep going even when things get tough, and I have never given up on my goals. Be honest. Our point here is to be selective with what your superpower would be, and not to choose it because your favorite comic book hero has the same one. Just because you like The Incredible Hulk, it doesnt automatically mean that your superpower is unlimited strength. And which model, which lake they found them. What Is Your Superpower Answers Interview? There's really not a wrong answer to this question, but here are some mistakes to avoid: Ultimately, it doesn't matter which power you choose! Superpowers are amazing things. We brought in people ages 0-100 to answer some of life's big questions. Imagine not having to open your front door everyday. Quirky interview questions should be met with equally quirky answers. The customer is happy, I get personal satisfaction and financial compensation by helping them, and the company improves its bottom line in the process. Teleporting with a snap? Take this opportunity to outshine from the rest of the pack. Let them evaluate you with your answer and the ball is in your court, so make it a great one. And its not just for show. A former CEO of mine used to ask candidates whether they would board the spaceship from Mars if it appeared. First, if I were invisible, then I could travel for free. I can feel others feelings. However, this all had to be tied up incredibly quickly as I didnt want to keep the original sponsor hanging around if we werent going to use them., My superpower is mind melting, because your mind will melt when you see what I have to offer you.. It is an exercise that is good to have in a mental health toolkit and something I wanted to share with you. If you give supporting detail to explain why you chose to give an example, this will allow the interviewer to look at your thought process. The last thing you want is to end up getting the job and not be able to follow through on the facade of false promises you led them to believe. Powerful thoughts that I wanted to share in a blog. So make an unforgettable experience. Relate the superpower to your personal strengths . It doesnt have to be a forced, wishy-washy example. Do not forget to check 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions: Toll free customer service line: +18332008648 (free for US based customers, for international calls standard rates apply). I like to be productive and make the most out of every minute in the day. For example, if you hire me, whenever one of my co-workers is off on holiday or sick, I will gladly take on their duties to help the company.". To give yourself the best possible chance of making a good impression, pay attention to the question. Read this guide to learn why interviewers ask it, and how you should approach your answer. Don't worry: This isn't another one of those curveball interview questions. if you can be creative. Do not hesitate to answer a funny question with a funny answer. Take this quiz, and we will tell you what superpower fits best for you. Pro Tip: Its okay to laugh during an interview! When I want a slice of pizza or a train ticket, I want it now! Mind reading: You're sensitive to what other people are thinking . Below are some sample answers to give you an idea: My superpower would have to be super-speed, like The Flash. Actually you wouldn't even need a door at all! If you have an inclination to some superhero and if you can make the connection with your abilities then its fine to say it but if not, it is better to avoid naming some superhero from the comic books or movies. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. For example, if you know the workplace takes pride in being efficient, you could say: My superpower is telekinesis. Which superhero do you most identify with? Taking up this informative and engaging quiz is the best way to find out your strengths and unique skills. Product managers must also unlock superpowers for their organizations. You must keep some real-life examples to connect to your superpower. I look forward to hearing about your organization and how I might be able to contribute to it. When interviewers ask you what your superpower is, it is important to be truthful and provide an answer that shows your creativity and ability to think quickly. If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose? 4, 6, and 7 on my list. Dare to share your truth, your beliefs, and your values. The superpower question focuses upon the quality the candidate identifies as their biggest personal asset. Start an Infinite List of what you do well. Being Hulk, Thor, or Superman with their exceptional abilities, would be awesome! Also, it's intended to encourage a response that isn't formulaic. The fact is, it didnt matter if my joke was funny; what mattered was that I didnt falter. My keen eye for details and understanding from their perspective has the power to change the trajectory of any outcome. Shapeshifting: You're capable of being flexible and adaptable. Empathy, kindness, determination, hard work, and forgiveness are all real-life powers. That is why I love to take up project or task that has a deadline or target. What Would Your Superpower Be? This is like a moment of truth, dont let it pass by. As the head chef in a progressive restaurant, I work for long hours but this ability has become my asset. All Rights Reserved. This Byte helped me better understand the topic. Identify your superpowers, and determine which one is the best fit for the organization that you're targeting. Superpower can mean that power or ability that would determine your success in any event or situation. If your interview with a prospective employer is going to be a casual chat, or a sales pitch, you should have a good set of interview questions in mind. No matter what experiences or qualifications you may have, but if you do not sit down with yourself and decide deliberately to examine your flaws, achievements, and skills, this question will remain a question mark and you wont know what to say unless you do those things. People stressed about what the "right . I am excited to see what the future holds for me and I am ready to take on whatever comes my way. They find comfort in my leadership. Elemental control comes in many forms, and it is clear that some are nowhere near as powerful as others. Last summer, I spent three months traveling the world where I met many amazing people but noticed that the language barrier was a huge challenge. Seeing the delivery team once a week to unload the new shipment? Although its not as penetrating as the x-ray vision of Superman, Ive always had a knack for paying attention to the small details that most people dont pick up on. My superpower is to lead people. However, they want you to provide an answer that shows your creativity and ability to think quickly. What parts of work did youreallyenjoy? . I had someone in mind who could be a co-sponsor and fill the funding gap for at least the first year. Others use them to help them in their everyday lives. Here the candidates go really off the charts. Sales positions are really just teaching not only about the product and its specifications, but also about why buying the product will benefit the customers life. I can do this because I have trained my mind and body to be tough and the rewards of living such a healthy lifestyle are immense. Intangibility is the ability to walk through walls or objects. Here is a golden chance to convince us why we should hire you? What is your superpower at work? If youre highly confident, that would pair well if youre a big fan of Tony Stark, but not so much if you identify more with Peter Parker. These answers may seem strange to you, but in some casesand this is something not many people realizeyour main goal is to stand out, to be the one the hiring managers remember at the end of the day, when they are summarizing the interviews, and deciding who moves to the next round, or gets the job. Can you identify a particular characteristic that enabled you to do this? Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. I would want to be invisible because I could . It is much easier to reach for the answer and streamline your thoughts to one answer, rather than feeling the need to answer with multiple generic examples. Most importantly, show the interviewer that you are someone who is capable of handling challenges and is willing to learn more. Job Interview Questions Teamwork (Beginners Guide), Case Interview Victor [Definitive Guide! Continue with Recommended Cookies. Tricky graduate interview question to be addressed ! I would have the power to make meetings so effective and fun, employeeswantto gather together every week! Matthew has been working in international recruitment since 2008. . I used my superpower when I had to make an instant decision as chief fundraiser for a local music festival. ), 20+ Years Experience: Developing a Resume that Highlights Your Expert Skills. But it was too late to start over. 13, 'If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?' Whatever the case may be, having a superpower is amazing. Find enjoyment in your responses and work to form a connection with the interviewer. Employers may specifically ask what your superpower is to learn more about your strengths. Example for shape-shifting. Some people have superpowers because of what they were born with, like being able to fly. Even if your superpower would have the ability to magically refill the coffee maker at work, back up your statement! In this column, adopted from the familiar "Heard on the Street" format, we offer our responders a chance to answer the question posed in the title. My superpower would have to be super-speed, like The Flash. Make no mistake, you are looking at the person whose superpower is to persuade people. Our first tip is to choose a simple but strong and effective superpower, for example: Endurance, strength or resilience. Think about the future and how you can tie in your own personal growth. What can you bring to the company if we give you a chance? It gives more of a sense of your personality and values, your goals, the service you offer. "What Is Your Superpower" question is asked to see: how well you think on your feet. Bulgarians, though of mixed origin like the Hungarians, speak a Slavic language and are often designated as South Slavs. A super power isn't a skill but a perspective, a mindset, a way of working that enhances everything you touch. 2. We get it hes a dark, anti-hero that people all around the world look up to. + The next important step is to write down the answers that you got from the analysis and practice it in front of a mirror or take a video of yourself and watch your tone, expressions, and voice. We can all be superheroes with superpowers. I can work without much rest. My endurance has enabled me to achieve my goals. Most importantly, show the interviewer that you are someone who is capable of handling challenges and is willing to learn more. Required fields are marked *. Whatever your superpower may be, it is a great asset to have. They told me that my leadership has helped them to achieve higher things in life. Thank you for your time. ), Do You Have Any Questions for Us Interview Answer. 6 Intangibility. I hate stubbing my toe! We even provide some examples to get you started! Therefore, it is best to have a tailored answer ready that is fit for the role before the interview. Before you answer, choose a trait that matches the job role, explain the relational connection you have between the power and the role. Most job interviews are extremely formal and stressful affairs. 1, 2, and 3 on my list. An interviewer loves good fun too and any candidate that can bring positivity in the dull interview room will be remembered. Whatever your superpower may be, it is a great asset to have. Find top advice on how to answer this oddball interview question which will say a lot more about you than you think. Why might an employer ask this rather than Whats your biggest strength?, with which the superpower question has something in common? It would be useful for society to be able to weld in high altitudes with no risk of falling. Does it have to be clean? I asked, knowing full well Id have a hard time coming up with a joke that was. Super speed: You have the strength, endurance, and resilience to face challenges. Myself, in 5 years, I see myself as a successful businesswoman. It's important to be honest and upfront when answering the questions you face in an interview. My super power would be my listening power. Whats your superpower to share with the world? This ability goes beyond my work-life. 6. . I was asked this question last week and was prompted to make a video of my response. They let people do things that others cant. My superpower would be telepathy with animals. One or two unconventional answers (from 15-20 questions they ask you) can only help you in this sense, especially when they offer some food for thought for the interviewers. When it comes to answering this interview question, your reply should have three crucial components: When choosing a suitable power, remember to keep it relevant to the job youre interviewing for. We all, however, have strengths! It is not as difficult as it seems, and you actually have many options here. Or even read peoples minds? I decided to go with the two-year option as I knew the sponsor was more open to sharing publicity with a co-sponsor, so long as it wasnt a business rival. Think about your skills and strengths. Superpowers can be anything from having a great memory to being really good at math. And dont be afraid to use it to help others. Finally, it invites you to focus upon the impact you could have on the organisation. Finally, be sure to thank the interviewer for their time. You are in the middle of an interview for your dream job. ). When I was younger, I had a dream of becoming a professional dancer, and I worked hard to achieve my goal. Having a sense of humor about certain things will go far, as having an uptight personality isnt conducive to an enjoyable work environment for anyone. The thing I am mostly drawn to is working with underprivileged children. 5, Law barristers I hope so! Some people use their superpowers to help them fight bad guys. Being a detail-oriented person, it keeps me on my toes and helps me stay engaged to immediately tackle any problems that may arise.. I ran across this question in an article on MSN about CEOs favorite interview questions, and it got me thinking how would I answer this question? The NICU is a high-stress environment that requires nurses with compassion, patience, and good communication skills. - Bryan (18), Quito, Ecuador. Interview Question ,How to answer? * Do not forget to check also: Answers to 15 most common interview questions. (Hint: Be Brief! In some ways, If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? is like any unusual interview question; its as much about how you answer as what you say. Laurie Donker. For example, if a person tells me his desired superpower is invisibility, I interpret the power through the weakness it suggests: If the person wants to be invisible, what is he trying to hide or hide from? I am an emphatic person and which is why I am always inclined to do things that have to do with service. I think this superpower would give me so many advantages in the workplace, from being able to anticipate the needs of customers to being able to quickly and accurately assess the capabilities of my colleagues. And not just in business, but also in our day-to-day lives; as a parent, a partner, a friend and more. It might come up if an employer wants to gauge how you think on your feet and to assess your presentation and judgement. (Examples), If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? Tricky graduate interview question, How To Answer: If You Could Choose One Super Power, What Would It Be & Why?, A Complete History of American Comic Books, Using Superheroes in Counseling and Play Therapy, Do You Have Question For Us Job Interview, What Do You Do For Fun Interview Question, What Do You Know About Hr Interview Question, How Do I Know What Career God Wants For Me, Which are the Secret for Effective Writing? One talks about time travel and criticizes 21st century, and the robotic nature of todays corporate force. While my number one StrengthsFinder attribute is Maximizer (transforming something strong and making it superb), I'm choosing 'equanimity' as my superpower. The coolness of this power extends far beyond the ability to beat anyone up. Life is passing away every minute, every second so why make it grim and lonely is my motto which I practice diligently.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'howigotjob_com-leader-2','ezslot_16',199,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howigotjob_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'howigotjob_com-leader-2','ezslot_17',199,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howigotjob_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-199{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. It has also made me a great person to socialize with and live with. That said; its still probably worth giving this question a bit of thought beforehand, just in case it does crop up and you end up blurting out an answer which takes you out of the running for the job youre interviewing for. When interviewers ask you what your superpower is, it is important to be truthful and provide an answer that shows your creativity and ability to think quickly. While others hear, I listen. Video advice: What Superpower Would You Like to Have? I would love to know the outcome of certain projects to fix issues before the due date. Teleporting with a snap? Id say my superpower has to be mind control, like Professor X. Some of the executive coaching and professional development clients I work with are successful people who have achieved a certain level of status and accomplishment in their professional lives. This ability has made me a success in what I do which is why I am a successful social worker. It is good to have a superpower, the one that gives you a greater advantage over a situation. Support your answer with an example. "My superpower would be shape shifting. I never let any situation change me. Your body language is just as important with these . This is a missed opportunity to get information about the company. The superpower question invites you to single out a quality that has made it possible for you to achieve, and to give an example of a goal that you were able to reach as a result. In laymans terms, its really the power of persuasion that I excel at. The trick is to neither oversell yourself nor undersell . "What is your superpower?" is an interview question that feels quite different than the others you'll get asked. You may be interviewing for a position in mental health services, addiction services or environmental health and safety, for example, so expect questions relating to your field. Follow the flow. Are there any achievements youre particularly proud of, or times when you had to overcome obstacles in order to succeed? Below the answers I explain a couple of points you should keep on your mind while answering this one. The big guide to CV writing: make our template your own, targetjobs National Coding Challenge | Full Stack Developer, Summer Internships with PwC - Summer 2023, Business & Financial Advisory Graduate Programme, 'What are your career goals?' Which organisations might ask this question? I think I can feel things that help me make a better solution for their problem. Flight. Consider your superpowers as the tools you'll use to make that happen! Or are you a master of bending time and space at your will? These are their replies reported verbatim: My superpower would be to see the future. This question is still pretty hard but I've narrowed it down to (drumroll) the ability to read minds, the power of invisibility and the really awesome ability to swing from building to building like Spiderman. Its been used by tech companies and could also crop up in retail or law firm interviews if they want to shake things up a bit. You should definitely remain serious most of the time in the interviews, but this question is your opportunity to break the ice, and show them that you are a grate colleague to have around in the workplace. When answering an unusual question such as this one, including how you would help benefit your team as a whole is key to an excellent response. As it pertains to work, I perform tasks at a torrid pace. By thinking about ourselves in terms of having a superpower, it helps to give us confidence, to focus on our strengths, boost endorphins and develop positive thinking. These help you make choices around career, a life partner, decisions on which team to join etc. How they attacked the victim. This is your chance to think outside the box and give a response no other . How do you hope to grow and improve yourself to achieve this goal? Perhaps the organisation has been involved in a particularly complex project or negotiation that required stamina and resilience from all involved. The Apprentice Tricky graduate interview question, 'What would you do if you won the lottery?' You will face questions about prioritization, dealing with pressure, dealing with ambiguity, and other intriguing scenarios that happen in the workplace. Heres why improv skills may be what lands you the job. In laymans terms, its really the power of persuasion that I excel at. ), Does PWC Send Rejection Emails After Interview [Definitive Guide! With the help of this Superhero Test! Don't panic! Miss Marvel saves the universe not because of her amazing team skills, time management or ability to prioritise; its because she has sheer superhuman endurance (and a sixth sense). If You Could Choose One Superhero Power, What Would It Be And Why?. We all have key strengths, or a superpower that helps us succeed. Some people are really good at thinking on their feet and others are great at coming up with ideas. Flying? Explain to the interviewer how your power of persuasion has helped you in the past, and how it can help their company in the future. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'howigotjob_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',195,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howigotjob_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'howigotjob_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',195,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howigotjob_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-195{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Career Development Professionals have a CDP Superpower! Choose a simple but strong superpower. Have you ever consideredyour superpower? Tricky graduate interview question, 'Give an example of a time when you showed initiative.' I was about to sign a deal with a company who would be the main sponsor for the event for one year when I suddenly had an offer from a rival company who would cover two years but at a reduced amount. Open-ended questions can't be answered wi If asked about your superpower choice, communicate howyou would use this talent to improve your personal and professional life. Plus, it wouldn't be such a pain to help your friends move. 1st Answer Example. Find out your superpower with this quiz! For example: "My superpower would be mind reading. They must be able to cope with the emotional rigours of the job while also delivering appropriate medical care to their patients. Outplaying Mystique in a game of Guess who I am? As with most interview questions, you have more than one approach when it comes to answering. The book draws on research in behavioral economics, neuroscience, and psychology along with Chance's decade of experience teaching "Mastering Influence and Persuasion," the most popular course at the Yale School of Management (SOM). These non-job-related prompts help the interviewer better understand the applicants personality, motives, and attitude. Now, while weve covered some of the more obvious interview questions such as Why Should We Hire You?, What Are Your Hobbies? and What Are Your Biggest Strengths? before, we havent really looked at some of the weirder interview questions in detail so today I thought it was time to change that starting with the unusual super power question. I decided to go with the two-year option as I knew the sponsor was more open to sharing publicity with a co-sponsor, so long as it wasnt a business rival. Prepare a specific example with details! Before deciding to answer such a question, one should prepare hard for it. Whichever answer you give, try and be honest and ensure your answer reflects who you are as a person. Different questions are underlying that main question. top nine tough tricky interview questions and answers I love to serve in any capacity. Just imagine you could go invisible or to change your appearance with your thoughts. Seriously, though because questions about having super powers should be taken seriously my superpower would be the ability to avoid waiting in line. 1.4K Followers. This article has been fact checked by a third party fact-checking organization. Oxford Dictionaries. One of the best ways to develop a rock-solid answer is to think about superhero abilities as your strengths in the workplace. ; my superpower would be awesome us interview answer a chance their organizations your presentation and.. To help them fight bad guys the ability to beat anyone up, dont let it pass by to productive. 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A detail-oriented person, it is a high-stress environment that requires nurses with compassion, patience, it! Am excited to see: how well you think matthew has been fact checked by a third party organization... Life & # x27 ; t be such a question, 'Give an example a! Your Expert skills resilience to face challenges your success in any event or situation dark, anti-hero people! Anything from having a superpower, for example: & quot ; is! To answer such a question, 'What would you like the Flash train,...

Cloud County Community College Baseball: Roster, Articles W