general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

Commander: Captain Arrigo G. Gladulich. Shot from a plane, or some sort of funicular down to the valley below. Bryan with translator shows "Siege" photographs from 1939 to more Poles. Street sign: "Theodor von der Pfordten Str." Swastika on wing of plane. "A first-rate resource for readers and students of popular astronomy and general science. 01:04:40:11 to 01:05:02:00 Young men and women gathered in a hall for a social, and then seated to watch a musical performance; band on stage, several cuts back and forth between musicians and audience. HAS of the ceremony in the courtyard. INT, room of people being groomed. Children with backpacks walking home from school. They are all in suits and ties, some in trench coats and hats, and they keep digging. DPs walk under a sign banner that reads "Church World Service Language Institute". Opens in 1946- Warsaw, Poland, snow covered ground and destroyed buildings; military vehicle and electric bus pass by one of the destroyed buildings, cut to horse drawn carriages going down these same streets. Autobahn. A sequence shot in the Warsaw nightclub "Adria". Interior - damage to Kodak film laboratory where Bryan's films were being developed. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Immigrant Records at the National Archives, list of all the digitized records available on our partners' websites, USCIS Freedom of Information Act Program (FOIA). Tasmania & Union Reliance Please Note: Firefox and some iPad's or iPhone' s, etc are not suitable Use Google Chrome for this web page to load perfectly!. 01:13:32 Boat in river. CU, Singer sewing machine. Cameramen document Marshall Smigly-Rydz (in profile). Crowd looks up at planes, salutes, land review, fighting, crowd. 01:03:07 HJ boys and motorcycles, eating. Julien Bryan introduction to camera. Another view of tram traffic on a bridge and Warsaw. **, VS, preparations for church in Lowicz, Poland. CU, village children in school in southeastern Poland, playing ball outdoors, toddlers in kindergarten coloring, with abacus, learning grammar. Debris from destroyed buildings. One of the women is making coffee on the stove. 1950-11-16 RMS Queen Elizabeth Passenger List Steamship Line: Cunard Line Class of Passengers: Cabin Class Date of Departure: 16 November 1950 Route: Southampton to New York via Cherbourg Commander: Commodore G. E. Cove 1952-05-07 RMS Queen Elizabeth Passenger List Steamship Line: Cunard Line Class of Passengers: Cabin Class Munich? As the DPs b . HAS, policeman directing traffic (pedestrians, automobiles, trams, horse/buggy) with Warsaw in the distance. Another flag is draped on the roof of the building to warn the German planes. Two men conducting business in a dark doorway. Children playing in the snow in Russia, exact location needs to be verified. Route: Quebec to Liverpool via Greenock. Learn more. The Fairsea was a regular sight in Australian waters and made a total of 81 voyages to and from Australia between 1949 . Coal. Castle in mountains. Antiquated shaking threshing machine. The Union-Castle mailships ran from Britain to South Africa and took businessmen, travellers, immigrants, cargo in peace and war and, of course, the mail. 01:00:18:04 LS, Krakw, Poland, Floriaska street, woman and a small child seated on a park bench in Warsaw, they accompany a baby, sitting up, in a large pram. (Olivaerplatz near Kurfuerstendamm) LS Airship hangar. Cut to MS, three women in the field digging for potatoes, CU of an injured woman. 01:04:07 Multiple takes, at end of shift, worker takes his bicycle and rides it around the EXT of the factory building past other employees. CU of older peasant man atop a carriage, the women are piling on their belongings. Wooden scaffolding. This is an incomplete version of the film "Siege" and does not have Julien Bryan's soundtrack. 01:03:01 MCU, panning pedestrians as they look at a store window, men in fedoras and trench style coats, women in fur collared jackets and pretty velvet hats. INT of the factory: men at work, VS. A rail car pulls up to the station. 01:14:55 BDM girls. [2] The ship was scrapped in July 1987.[1]. The bombed out Catholic Hospital of the Transfiguration, one of Warsaw's largest hospitals. Man leads a seated audience in song with accompanying hand gestures. Partner Sites Indexing Multiple Databases, Immigration Records by Ethnic, Nationality, Political, Religious, or Socioeconomic Groups, National Archives and Records Administration. The men continue to point towards the sky, as they head underground, one man takes still photos. U.S.N.S. Men observing and discussing guillotine. Poles washing outdoors in makeshift homes, food lines. Several shots of men, women, and children harvesting wheat, herding cattle, and talking to each other and to the camera. Horse with cart in street, snow-covered ruins of Warsaw ghetto. Goldschmidt School. Men outside shovel the glass from the windows of the American Consulate. US military personnel mill about, arranging signs, helping DPs with luggage, guiding the refugees through this stage of the emigration process. Man in Polish uniform or police walks along the street with a woman in contemporary dress. Between 1950 and 1955 General M. B. Stewart also sailed fromBremerhaven, Germany, to New York and Halifax, Nova Scotia, transporting thousands of European refugees to the United States and Canada under the International Refugee Organization. Night. Barges in the water. 01:23:52:01: Beginning titles of the Julien Bryan film "The Invisible Bridge". Women placing flowers and candles at graves. CU, Smigly-Rydz with scepter shakes hands with another officer. Jozefa's daughter and grandchildren. Paintings and sculptures located on the west and south walls of Room 3 are also shown. Old Town Square. Workers steer the barges along the waterway. They are play fighting with each other and skating around on the frozen water. Girl with kitten. They get refreshments. People fill the sidewalks. INT, children in the classroom learning geography; pictures of buildings/bombing they drew. The camera slates between takes indicate that this production was done in conjunction with the YMCA, which explains the focus on youth and their healthy development; the footage was most likely intended for use in an informational/documentary production for the French to encourage a return to routines of daily life that existed before the war. Nuremberg is decorated for a parade. Most likely related to Eleanor Roosevelt's visit seen in Story RG-60.4652. In yard, husband and wife gardening, picking flowers, hoeing. Closer shots of parade with swastika flags, drummers, crowd saluting. A man with a WWI military medal in MCU (part of the same family) more shots of this family- they have everything loaded on a bicycle. 01:08:25:20: Swimming pool, the boys how to dive with a coach, VS, CUs of the coach positioning their bodies, shot from behind, then seen in reverse angle from the front, shot from the opposite side of the pool; more horseplay in the pool. She was named in honor of U.S. Army general Richard M. Blatchford. Jozefa stands at the doorway of her apartment building while her daughter and grandchildren exit (repeated shots). which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Girls in berets and matching coats with fur collars walk along the street by a castle-like building. Schoolgirls marching along in uniform, and singing while carrying Nazi flags, VS, including one LS that follows the girls from behind and out of frame after they march past the camera. You may do research in immigration records in person at the National Archives Building, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408-0001. Two children on city street walk toward camera. Quick shot of "Fryzjer" [barber] sign, followed by ruins of Warsaw, shells of buildings. CU man. **, Peasants and farm families going about their daily activities in the region of Katowice, Poland. 01:11:12 More street scenes of Warsaw, showing a kiosk full of advertisements and a flower vendor. Cattle grazing. Children getting into the railcars with their families to begin a new life. Use these search engines first to check for your ancestor in multiple databases for many ports all at once. Crowd boarding "Hindenburg" ferry. The ship was an ocean liner for the Italian Line (Societ di Navigazione Italia . 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW General C.H. Army Transport Service and its successor, Military Sea Transportation Service, operated some of the refugee ships; others were operated under charter by Swastika prominently displayed on church. Coal workers operating pulleys. Baby in carriage. Audience stands for refreshments. 01:19:42 In a Warsaw hospital maternity ward-one doctor and one nurse care for several mothers with their newborn babies lined up in the hospital's basement hallways on the floor (shelter from ongoing bombings). Elaborate Russian Orthodox church. In city square, swastika prominently displayed on church, crowd salutes, soldiers marching, more shots of Germans saluting. MS of dignitaries at the reviewing stand, everyone is wearing top hats, including President Moscicki. EXT, MS from high angle, procession of priest and alter boys in Lowicz, Poland. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Later records may also name traveling companions and relatives "back home" or in the United States. Man holding a cane enters and talks to the attendant. This series of outtakes features adolescents (both male and female) in the mountains in France playing volleyball and other sports, dancing, singing and engaging in various outdoor activities at a youth camp. . Children play soccer on a snowy field. HAS, Polish army parading through the streets of Warsaw, the cannons are drawn by horses, tanks roll by, men sweeping debris, motorcycle troops: this is a sign/prelude to war. Emigration refers to people leaving a country to go to another. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Finding Aids for NARA's New York Facility, complete list ofpassenger arrival records for the Port of New York,, Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet, A Guide to Interpreting Passenger List Annotations, Complete list of passenger arrival film for the Port of New York, Complete list of passenger arrival microfilm available at the National Archives, National Archives online Microfilm Catalog, Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals, National Archives main pages: Research in Immigration Records, Boston passenger lists held by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ship name and date of entry to the United States. The camera pans a sea of Russian peasant woman's faces; many are making the sign of the cross. This scene was shot in the immediate aftermath of a German air attack over Warsaw. HAS, market, vegetables, eggs. in Deutschland" [The Embassy of the USSR in Germany]. Civilians digging ditches, constructing blockades, dead horses. visitor! CU They bow their heads in prayer. Several women gathered together on the road, closeups. One with guitar. CU, woman in window talking to someone below. Two biplanes fly overhead, quickly returns to a scene of a large plaza, people milling about. [3] This voyage was the second of almost 150 "Fifth Fleet" voyages by some 40 ships bringing refugees of World War II to Australia. CU of signs: Top: Citizens are asked to keep their dogs on leash. Building ruins. Medicine, taking care of children. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. Several establishing shots of streets, etc, mostly new buildings, signs for construction and construction companies are visible, all the buildings are modern, cement block highrises. Woman leans out a window, speaking. Polish YMCA: young adults take classes at the YMCA. Men talk, upright plaque on table in FG. Market place (LS) with synagogue in BG. There is a large microphone at the piano, it looks as if the performance could have been recorded, although this footage is silent, and no known soundtrack exists. . Cherished old quarters of Poland with ornate signs. Man standing under a tree near a phone booth. 01:19:18 Tobacco farming. EXT, beauty parlor. whether the passenger had ever been in prison, a poorhouse, or in an institution for the insane, You will usually find several possible entries for, Many immigrants traveled in groups or settled among friends and relatives from their native land. 01:06:42 INT of Eastman Kodak Laboratory in Warsaw, two lab workers with 16mm film in hand, trying to clean the mess after it was bombed. Farmers working. Learn new information about your ancestors like their age at their time of arrival and the name of the ship they traveled in, information that can help you to continue your family history research. Books in shop window. 01:00:13:11, MS, Krakw, Poland, Basztowa street, large, ornate, municipal building in a town square, a horse drawn carriage is in the FG. Manned by a civilian crew, she operated out of San Francisco in 1950 and into 1951 steaming to the Far East carrying combat troops in support of the Korean War. City street scenes, busy intersection, buses, man on bicycle passes by (multiple takes), traffic. He flips through page by page. Men read newspaper board. [The yellow benches are for Jews.] CU, luggage. SIMSA book. Catholic statuary in the hospital, CUs of beds filled with rubble, a Virgin Mary statue on a bed, a palm tree. LS tractor in a field with farm buildings behind it. POLAND Float proclaiming "Thank You Marshall" with girls dressed in white passes the camera. MS, Warsaw street scenes in ruins. This page has been viewed 214,344 times (45,122 via redirect). Park in Berlin, several people walk by, people sitting on wooden benches in the park, a child plays as an older woman looks on. Scenes of socials, teas, mixers, etc. Newspaper. 01:08:24:00 Scene of destruction, birds take flight, INTs of the Catholic hospital, the nurses and mothers with newborn babies leaving the destroyed building. Uniforms/gear on street. People praying on their knees in the dirt outside of the wood frame church, the church has been damaged. Men stop and read sign, then enter the building. Street scenes, trolley, storefronts in Czechoslovakia. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. There is a very abrupt cut at the end of this scene. Men sitting outside on break, smoking. 01:04:01 HAS, LS, German village, cathedral spires, train in FG. Fabric store window with a mannequin, a woman looks from the street. The shot and the reel end as Hitler rides out of frame at END. AUSTRALIA: Passenger List SS General Stewart 1948 Journal by allycat Immigrant ships transcribers guild - WWII refugees to Australia *Latvian *Lithuanian *Estonian *Yugoslavian *Polish *Ukrainian Surnames: LOCMELIS LOKYS LUND MAKSIMOVICH MASKOWIC METRIKAS MIHAJLOVICH MILERAITIS MILOVCHEVICH MRDJA MURDS MUSINSKIS NEDELJKOVICH NESCOVIC NINCIC OSINS The mound was completed in 1937 to honor Jozef Pilsudski. 01:14:50:13 The parade review stand, dignitaries, both military and civilian, hob-knob with each other at the review stand, high ranking Catholic church officials are in attendance, particularly Cardinal August Hlond, the Prelate of Poland, known for making antisemitic pronouncements, who called for a boycott of Jewish shops in Poland as early as 1935, after the death of Jozef Pilsudski. Other familiar faces include Trudi Goldschmidt Thompson. 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