ohio university haunted dorm

County records show that the dorm was built over an old, Indian burial mound. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thinking it weird rather than scary, I showed it to my friend and other residents. There's the body stain at the ridges, Simms cemetery where there is a still a tree standing where they hung a lot of people (you can see the rope marks), there's . Configuration: Will you send me a picture! Wilson Hall is the most famous haunted place on the campus. For years these reports came in from residents and visitors, and it got so bad that the university actually ended up closing the room down, not allowing any residents to live there, sealing it shut, and deeming it uninhabitable. To this day the room remains closed off and off-limits, whatever is in there contained, but there is plenty of other paranormal activity reported from other areas of Wilson Hall as well, although the residents seem to take it all in stride and even seem to be proud of it. I hope you read this and respondits neat weve had these odd experiences in common even though decades apart! What are your thoughts? I would really like to see a photo! Wilson Hall (Ohio University) Located on West Green is what is arguably the most haunted dorm on Ohio University's campus. To:obiwan@ghosts.org I live in wray hall this year and just 2 days ago I noticed that my closet door has the outline of a demons face with horns on it too. West Green has been rumored to be built on top of a Native American burial ground, where students have reported hearing the sounds of a river that once ran through the property and the chanting of Native Americans. The story says that the female student died in a violent way in that room after practicing occult. Were there any scary episodes in this room? ATHENS, Ohio (WOUB) -- Ohio University is investigating an incident in which a racist note attached to a large garbage bag was left outside a dorm room.The note, handwritten in black ink on lined They discovered that Wilson Hall is built on the same location as the original site of an early cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. Never once saw or heard anything "paranormal." I live less than a mile from OU campus, and there's definitely a LOT of weird/paranormal shit in the entire county, not just on campus. Can anyone verify whether it really happened? Not only are these buildings steeped in history, but some are also said to still "host" visitors from the past. There is also a rumor that there is an ancient Indian burial ground nearby, because why not? It is believed that the woman is a former caretaker of the hall and is just continuing to do her job even in the afterlife. Many past and current students enjoy sharing their own personal paranormal encounters at OU. Tucked away in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains, this little community is said to be one of the areas that sports many spirits and haunted folklore. There are many rumors surrounding Wilson Hall and the paran. Now we all checked, and all of our alarms were not set for 3:00 in the afternoon or 10:00 at night, but for sometime in the morning. Top 10 Most Haunted Colleges in America. Within the first week, though, I woke up to find scratches on my body, including actual broken skin on my shoulder. Athens, OH. He died in room 428 and years after that students residing in that room have said to hear strange sounds and hear footsteps as well as witnessing several objects moving by themselves on their own. One evening, one of the residents lay down to take a nap. Theres really no image that I cant see but its still weird either way. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. The building is apparently located in the middle of an immense pentagram consisting of five cemeteries situated in the region. Since these occurences the room has been closed off and was not given to any new students again. Its sinister history, notorious buildings, location and countless sightings makes OU the most haunted campus in America. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.04 - MU Plus+ Podcast - High-Res Healing, Astrophysicist Claims Ring Lasers Can Bend Space-Time and Allow Time Travel, "What's the Creepiest Thing You've Ever Seen or Heard?" On the inside theres a weird drawing engraved in the wood of a face just kind of snarling at you with it eyes wide open. the story we were told was the one girl killed herself but the next quarter another girl in the same room also killed herself. I had no doubt things were not normal in that dorm and in my room. Im not a crazy, restless sleeper, so theres no way I could have causedthat myself! Stories vary on what exactly happened, with some saying that she performed arcane rituals in the room or spoke to the dead or even the Devil there, while others say that she could do astral projection or had actually managed to conjure up demonic forces there, with some versions of the tale saying that she was actually once fully possessed by these malevolent forces, speaking in tongues and writhing about. Its an experience I will never forget. All was fun until one day when the stereo performed its usual tricks when there was no one else in the room!! I was wondering if you still live in Wilson, and if its possible to get an interview with you? More sinister reports are that demonic faces would appear in reflective surfaces or even within the woodwork only to vanish again, or that blood will sometimes drip from the ceiling or walls. I moved out during winter break and never turned back. Here are just a few personal hauntingsIve experienced, as well as some things experienced by others here. See more ideas about ohio university, ohio, university. The College of Arts and Sciences at Ellison Hall is the university's most haunted college and building. When you look on a map, there is said to be five cemeteries that form a pentagram with Wilson Hall located in the center. I screamed at the top of my lunges. the government took me away until I was 5 1/2 years old. Located in Athens, Ohio, in the United States is the historical Ohio University. I was born in Athens and have lived here all my life. I lost my wallet, broke a monitor for my computer, another two guys came down with mono, another lost his wallet. Is there any way to do that? A young boy on roller skates roamed its corridors and was later . Universities With Haunted Dorms. Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:14:18 -0400. Required fields are marked *. Not to mention the entire complex to me wreaked like death! . The pentagram myth has not been demonstrated in the case of Wilson Hall. but while i was at the ridges i am fairly certain i felt something touch me. Any college worth its salt has a ghost story or two - it's a long-standing part of college lore. Residents of Jefferson Hall in 1996 found more than they bargained for one day when they decided to go looking around their dorm. The story says that the female student died in a violent way in that room after practicing occult. See the Site Index for a complete list of articles available on this website. People over the years have reported seeing the ghost of patients in the windows of the building, seeing strange lights and hearing disembodied voices/screams and other unidentifiable sounds. The historic hospital got its start in 1867 when . Learn how your comment data is processed. At the beginning of the 1980s a newspaper researched the property in a routine examination for the institute. With large crowds of students and visitors gathering for the spooky holiday, its safe to say that the light-hearted Halloween celebrations have become a part of Athens history. To get to the room, you would get off the elevator, turn left, go into the mod and go straight ahead. The place was established in 1804, a year after the statehood. More than a century prior, the building was known as the Athens Lunatic Asylum, a place where Civil War soldiers with PTSD, violent criminals, women with hysteria and other patients with mental illness were placed. . Our campus also rests near the Athens Lunatic Asylum, which issupposedly haunted. Wilson Hall itself, named in . He also said that he heres giggling in the hallways when no ones there, also his door has slammed shut on many occasions. (Being a closet door, I had never opened it wide enough or at an angle to look at its back.) My roommate did. Some have reported there are many anomalous noises such as disembodied voices, footsteps when no one else is there, heavy breathing, whispering, growls, or other less definable bangs and thuds. These legends range from sightings of the ghosts of students who had died in The Convo to the sounds of bouncing basketballs and footsteps coming from Washington Hall, where students believe a girls' basketball team haunts the building after being killed in a bus accident. Although different dorms serve as the setting, the stories reported are sometimes the same, although . Orton leaves behind many legacies, including the Orton Geological Museum. Hey, im seth, a student at OU, this last week, myself and a few friends went to the ridges, and before hand went to see the demon door. I heard the story of the student suicide wasnt true. It is well known and documented that Ohio University is perhaps one of the most haunted places in the world. I felt like I could float anywhere in the room. Flickr user Michael. 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She entered the room, and calmly sat next to the resident on the bed. Required fields are marked *. Theres really nothing else I could makeout about it. It was supposedly a professor who had students to his house and they practiced it and a girl died. Do you know if there is any truth to this? Are these students experiencing encounters with paranormal spirits, or are they just experiencing spirits in their drinks? She got up, left the room, and closed the door behind her. Don't be scared of our haunted past, embrace it. The Ohio University in Athens, Ohio is perhaps the most haunted campus in the world. . It is the building that most people point to when speaking about haunted Athens, Ohio. Reid Hall (1948-2006) was a dormitory at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio that housed about 140 students. I really hope one of these stories has some truth to it because this was my favorite episode of Scariest Places on Earth. A week later, she laid a math book flat on her dresser, and it flew at her and landed at her feet. I feel like I bunked in this same room, if u see the comment I posted above I believe this demon in the wood grain of the closet as well as my earlier evening experience was part of the reason I pulled the covers over my head! Many students report strange and unexplained happenings in the dorms in which they live on. Upon checking, the cord was unplugged from the wall. Troubled spirits seem to have relished their stay in the university grounds and buildings. There are two Wilson halls. Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, is no stranger to ghosts. You said that you saw the face from the outside? Answer (1 of 3): Wilson Hall was reportedly built on an Indian burial ground. Show more. The legs and tail image was on the left side in the central part of the door. The entire image was slightly darker wood than the rest of the door, so more of a shadow. I thought it odd that I had not noticed it before then. No, i live there and its kind of pointless to. 5 Flagler College. I live in Delaware Ohio and we have Ohio Weslyan University and there is supposed to be some hauntings in Styvertsan Hall and i think some other spot around the campus. My mom was a student at OU and she told me that before she was a student their she actually worked their. Was your mom a student at Ohio University? I had other experiences throughout my 4 years in Athens, most of which occurred in off-campus housing (most student rentals in Athens are in very old, somewhat rundown houses that have been around since the whole area was nothing but mining towns.) I live on the fourth floor this year and my first morning I woke up early to take my contacts out that I had slept in and went back to my room being locked. She supposedly became very withdrawn and began obsessively studying the occult, becoming so absorbed that it affected her school studies and social life. Do any of these details match your door? Ohio University is a go-to spot for ghost hunters! At the time, Pennsylvania State, Ohio University, Boston University and Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods made up the top four. It's well documented that Ohio University is perhaps one of the most haunted places in the world. we never did find it, not even when we moved out, and all the windows and doors were shut and locked at the time. Wilson Hall, a residence hall in Ohio University is considered to be haunted. Experts say that any five points can be united on a map in the form of a pentagram. She lost her balance and fell to her death. Thanks for sharing! He swore again that he had never seen the woman before, but that he felt perfectly calm when she was near. Being that it was an all girls dorm u would think it would have smelled half decent, but to this day I have chills over this and wonder if anyone else had ever witnessed that room???? The place was established in 1804, a year after the statehood. My freshman year I was bombarded with the typical dorm ghost stories (some of which I later believed!) Rhodes Hall (354, C5) Ohio State's brush with our very own Dr. Death began in 1983 when Michael Swango, fresh from medical school at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, secured a . I lived on the 4th floor of Wilson Hall In the early 80s so it was just a few years after the girl committed suicide in room 428. I had a girlfriend who lived on the 4th floor of Wilson my freshman year at OU in 1998. I do not remember anyone dying there but Athens was always a spooky place. I would love to check the door out! When she's not writing, she loves to paint, hammock with friends and take care of her plants. This history of the haunted Athens does give us a sense of togetherness with our fellow OU students. And other strange phenomena such as the face of a demon showing up in the wood grain on a dorm room door, where a girl believed to be possessed killed herself. It is also where the haunted dorm Wilson Hall is, which was explored on the show Scariest Places on Earth in an episode titled Satans Dormitory.. It was the first coed experimental freshman dorm on campus at the time. Subject: Haunted Athens Still everyone did and still does have fun with it. But cool to tell my kids who are into this stuff that I lived there! Well according the video i just watched on here where the guy is giving a night tour so to speak he says that room 428 is no longer a dorm room that its now a boiler room and he took the people into that room and showed them where they took the wall down that the girl who had committed suicide had written in her own blood different things on the wall and told about the situation. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. The one they thought escaped but they found her months later in an abandoned part of the hospital. Scripps School of Journalism. Demon-like faces would appear in the wood grain of the door. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! From ghost teachers that talk to students, sounds and voices heard in sealed rooms, to an entire ghost basketball team, this campus is truly full of haunts. There are also the typical spooky tales of Satanic worship carried out there in the old days, or that covens of witches would perform dark rituals in the cemeteries, and it has also been found that the hall was actually built over the site of an early cemetery for the Athens Mental Institute, an insane asylum which was closed off and abandoned in 1993. It was normal to be sleeping and hear doors slam in the hallway. It was early Spring, and the soft light from the fading sun barely illuminated the room. 2008 redeem team starting 5; who is sarah davis married to the door you are describing is right next to the door for the room that i lived in for two school years. . Hi Jessica L i was very curious, since the handles had been sawed off which is kind of ominous, but when i looked down the hallway there wasnt anything special. Never heard of anything of a haunted nature. Hi! I lived in Wilson in the late 70s when it became a co ed dorm. He drifted off to sleep, but after a while he was awakened by the door opening and the light from the hall poured into the room.. A female stood in the doorway, silhouetted by the lights. I woke up to find scratches on my body, including the orton Geological Museum the! Have causedthat myself my wallet, broke a monitor for my computer, another lost his.... 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